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428 「勞工於職場上遭受主管或同事利用職務或地位上的優勢予以不當之對待,及遭受顧客、服務對象 或其他相關人士之肢體攻擊、言語侮辱、恐嚇、威脅等霸凌或暴力事件,致發生精神或身體上的傷 害」此等危害可歸類於下列何種職業危害?
(B) 社會心理性
(C) 生物性


2. (15%) What is the weight change when two hydrogen atoms and an oxygen atom form a water molecule if the binding energy of water is 3eV? (1eV= 61b1c4cef1bb5.jpg)

4. 下列何者非屬營業秘密的範圍?
(C)其他可用於生產、銷售或經營之 資訊;


【題組】 ⑴盡量不破壞原證物是鑑識的重要原則。如果手機的 SIM 卡被鎖,請問在不破壞原 手機的原則下,如何進入系統蒐證?(10 分)

19. 為確保建設完工後之管道不會有過度彎曲、接管不良、內積雜物等情況,會用一根木棒進行管道驗 108 通信技術(電信線路) 甲 5-2(序 003)收,是何種試驗?

10. 用來操控汽車行駛之方向的是:


第二題: 依【圖 2】所示的液壓基本迴路圖,請回答下列問題:phpO6B8KZ

【題組】(二)詳述該迴路的作動程序。【15 分】 【圖 1】 【圖 2】

一、英譯中:(15 分)
        Representations of the relationship between European colonizers and aboriginal peoples have long been much shaped by theoretical discourses from various historical perspectives. The disciplines we know as history, anthropology and archaeology largely emerged in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries in the context of the encounter between Europe and other peoples. These disciplines insisted upon a particular understanding of human history. This was conceived as the reason for the fundamental differences Europeans perceived between themselves and other peoples. The former constructed their culture as symbolizing modern and civilized by imagining the culture of aboriginal peoples as representing the ancient and backward. That is, they claimed that cultures could be divided into different periods of human history. Instead of regarding others as peoples who were contemporaneous with themselves, Europeans claimed that they were from the barbarous age. According to this historical theory, there was a natural course of history beginning with the barbarian state, which was aboriginal, and progressing towards modern civilization, which was Europe’s present. In this theory, peoples such as aborigines were always associated with a lack or deficit.