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6.Which of the following would result in a real appreciation of the United States Dollar with respect to the New Taiwan Dollar?
(A)Increase in US Dollar per New Taiwan Dollar nominal exchange rate
(B)Increase in Price Index of Taiwan
(C)Increase in Price Index of United States
(D)None of the Above

4. 血小板缺乏症的原因有哪些(10%)。

二、在諮商時,你是否需要派案者提供當事人的初談紀錄(intake)?請說明你需要或 不需要的理由。(25 分)

三、美國學者艾齊厄尼(Amitai Etzioni,1975)提出順從理論(Compliance ,詳述監獄當局如何運用管理者之權力促使受刑人遵循規定,達 Theory) 成控制之標的。請具體說明其理論之管理者運用 3 種權力所指為何?請 分別說明之。(25 分)

一、 (20 分) 依現行專利法關於發明專利申請案及新型專利申請案分割申請之規定,就下 列事項分別說明:

【題組】2. 申請專利之發明或新型可於何時申請分割?(6 分)

You are being evaluated on your knowledge of British literature. The purpose of this examination is to show your grader as much as you can the extent and depth of your knowledge of British literature. N.B. Express your understanding of British literature in analytical and meaningful terms. Avoid repeating or overlapping material and ideas in different answers and parts of this examination. Also, references to authors and literary works should be clear, precise, and correct. Correct spelling in such references is all important. Remembcr to identify your answer by part (A or B) and by number.
 Part A. 60 points. Choose ten (10) of the following items. Identify and comment on the significance of each of the ten in British literature in a brief paragraph of at least three sentenc s (that is, each of the ten answers must be at least one three-sentence paragraph in length). You will not receive extra credit for answering more than ten. If you choose to answer more than ten, your grader will evaluate just the first ten answers.

【題組】7. pastoral