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 假設有一電腦銷售公司,顧客透過網站向電腦銷售公司購買電腦。顧客可以選擇標準配備或是客製化 電腦(配備自選)。在確定購買時下訂單,顧客必須填寫送貨以及付款的資訊。此後,顧客可以利用網路 查閱訂單的狀態,而他所購買的電腦連同收據發票會一起運送給顧客。根據以上的系統需求描述,下面為 不完整的類別圖,圖中訂單類別和收據類別有關係,多重性是一對一。
6232ef5a86ab2.jpg 請回答下面有關類別圖的問題:

【題組】(五)請畫出類別間之所有關係以及各關係的多重性。【4 分】

38、資料倉儲專家 W.H Inmon 表示資料倉儲的特色不包括下列何者?

24. 看到遠方的船發出紅色之降落傘光焰,代表何種意義?
(A) 歡度年節
(B) 發出求救信號
(C) 船舶正在倒車
(D) 辦理演習

一: 某生在實驗室中測量 20℃時 PbCl2固體的溶解度,並求出 20℃時 PbCl2的溶解度積常 數( Ksp ),實驗方法如下: 20℃時秤取 PbCl2固體 3.00 克,溶於 100 毫升的蒸餾水中,充分攪拌使之完全溶解, 但仍有部分的固體沉澱存在。先秤得烘乾後的濾紙重量為 0.80 克,利用此濾紙將飽和 PbCl2 溶液過濾,並以 5mL 冰水沖洗沉澱物及濾紙兩次。最後將濾紙及沉澱物一起烘乾,秤得其 全部重量為 2.68 克,已知 PbCl2的式量 (莫耳質量) 為 280 ( g/mol )。

【題組】2.如果再次達到平衡時:請說明[Pb2+ ]濃度大小與 x (M)間的關係為何? (請以 =、> 或 < 回答並說明)【3 分】

(2) ([25%]) Prove that if a regular surface in R3 contains a straight line, then the surface has non-positive Gauss curvature at all the points of this line.


9. The exothermic reaction A - B + C was carried out adiabatically and the following data recorded:
The entering molar flow rate of A was 300 mol/min.

【題組】b. Over what range of conversion would the CSTR and PFR reactor volume be identical?


【題組】 (a) (5%) Which factors determine the primary and secondary growth habits(成長習性) of cloud ice crystals?

一、 甲公司收到乙公司的存證信函,要求停止侵犯其專利權,該專利申請專利範 圍如下:
 一種光罩載具,使用於光微影半導體製程,包括:一基部,具有複數個光罩 支架及複數個光罩定位部件;及一蓋部,用於緊密配合該基部,該蓋部具有 一內表面,其上突設有複數個相間隔之光罩限制器及一對光罩定位凸片…。

【題組】(三)該專利更正次數為何?最後一次更正公告日期為何?更正後的請求項 共幾項?(3分)

4. 下列何者是一般車載診斷系統 OBD-II 不提供的資訊?

【已刪除】請依下文回答第 56 題至第 60 題: 
When the police chief in Tacoma, Wash. shot and killed his wife in a parking lot after years of abusing her, the shock from that event 10 years ago mobilized national support for a more aggressive response to domestic violence in police households. While police officers today are more aware of the problem, the following is also true: In many departments, an officer will automatically be fired for a positive marijuana test, but can stay on the job after abusing or battering a spouse. In the wake of the Tacoma killing, the International Association of Chiefs of Police strengthened its efforts to persuade departments to adopt a set of model rules on domestic violence in their own ranks. Responding to concerns that domestic violence had long been treated more leniently than other forms of misconduct, the organization called for zero tolerance for abusers, tougher pre-employment screening and a separate set of procedures to ensure rigorous investigation of every accusation. But police departments have been slow to adopt the rules. And while most officials say they treat domestic abuse by officers as they would any other form of misconduct, interviews and disciplinary records indicate that, in fact, punishment is often light and job loss uncommon. Only a quarter of the 56 largest city and county police departments that responded to a recent survey have a distinct policy for domestic violence involving officers. And only one, Nashville, has adopted the entire model policy, according to the survey, conducted by The New York Times and the PBS investigative news program “Frontline.” Three others — Charlotte, N.C.; Chicago; and Columbus, Ohio — follow most of its provisions.

【題組】56 What is the main idea of this passage?
(A)Domestic violence is rare among police officers.
(B) It is illegal to abuse one’s spouse.
(C)One police officer shot and killed his wife.
(D)Police departments are slow to police their own abusers.