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5. 量測熱量的公制單位10kcal(千卡),是指在1大氣壓力下
(A) 把1公斤的水升高1℃所需的熱量
(B) 把10公斤的水升高1℃所需的熱量
(C) 把100公斤的水升高1℃所需的熱量
(D) 把1000公斤的水升高1℃所需的熱量

七、試以都會區深開挖建築工地為例,繪製平面圖與剖面圖,說明常見之安全監測項目 與目的及儀器數量和各自安裝位置為何?(10 分)



四 、請運用你所知的地理學概念,分析Covid-19帶來的影響。你的分析應包含如下部分:1.說明一個Covid-19之影響的經驗現象:2.說明你要用來分析的地理學概念:3.經驗現象舆概念閒的對話(可用的句型為:某現象 驗證了某概念所說的什麼 ,但某現象又顯示某概念的不足之處......) (25%)


一、試至少以兩種宗教為例,說明它們的主要經典(scripture / canon)是如何形成?並 比較彼此間的相同與相異之處。(25 分)

19. 下列何者是循序(sequential)邏輯電路中有,而組合(combinational)邏輯電路中 所沒有的元件?
(A) AND 邏輯閘
(B) OR 邏輯閘
(C) 正反器(Flip-Flop)
(D) XOR 邏輯閘

請依下文回答第 16 題至第 20 題:
      For adventurous travelers, diarrhea is merely an embarrassing nuisance. But among poor people it is a killer. As many as half a million children are thought to die every year from enteric diseases, including cholera and dysentery. Repeated infections also   16   them, laying them open to attacks from other killers such as pneumonia. Diarrhea can even change the average   17   of a certain population. One reason Indian children are shorter than sub-Saharan African children from families of similar means is that they fall sick more often.
     Bangladesh, one of Asia’s poorest countries, is making huge progress   18   this misfortune. In one part of the country with particularly good data, deaths from diarrhea and other enteric diseases have fallen by 90% in the past two decades. Along with a far-reaching   19   program and steady economic growth, that has helped drive down the number of childhood deaths. In 1990 the under-five death rate in Bangladesh was 54% higher than the world average. Now it is 16% lower. In a country with more than 160 million inhabitants, this represents a vast   20   in human misery. Bangladesh’s success holds lessons for other poor countries that are trying to beat back disease.

(A) decline
(B) growth
(C) combat
(D) chaos

1. 一直徑為D具有礼隙的圓柱體,置於高度4D與寬度W的均勻矩形裁 面風洞内。圓柱體延伸至與風洞同寬。圓柱體流出每单位,寬度上體積流 率為Q的空氣。流場為穩態及常密度。進口與出口裁面上分別為均勻 壓力p1及P2,速度剖面如圖所示。需要一在x方向上的作用力F來固 定圓柱體。試求(20/100)

【題組】 ⑴轼求U2以Q,U1及D來表示

3. 請說明下列嚴重污染環境之輻射標準各分別為何:
