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(二)申論題50%每題25%,每题不得少於500字) 1.距今百年前的1921年前後 當時台灣文壇的大事有《台灣青年》創刊與佐藤春夫訪台。請敘述《台灣 青年》始末以及後續影響。同時請試舉佐德春夫訪台後與台灣相關的創作,以及為台灣文壇帶來如何的影 響。


Problem 3 (20 points)
In India, water coolers are a common alternative to air conditioners. The simplest version of such a cooler, as illustrated in the right figure, is by forcing the warm air through a box filled with straw wetted by water. The temperature of air passing through the box can be lowered for more than 10℃ at appropriate condition.

【題組】(3) Is this type of cooler suitable for uise in Taiwan? Why? (3 points)

10. In the famous experiment conducted to prove that Island biogeography theory works, scientists (Simberloff & Wilson) used patches of mangrove islands in the coastal region of Florida. They separated the islands into control and treatment ones, and then________.
(A) killed all insect in the treatment islands and then tracked for one year how fast the islands near and far from the mainland will be recolonized.
(B) cut mangroves in the treatment islands and then tracked for one year how fast they will grow back.
(C) introduced invasive insect species to all islands and tracked for one year how quickly they will be outcompeted by native species.
(D) killed all insect in the control islands and then tracked for one year how fast they will be recolonized by the insect from the surroun nding treatment islands.
(E) counted all species in treatment islands and compared their number with control islands.

四、試說明以縣市為單位的大區域 1/1000 數值地形圖製圖方法有那些?簡述其製圖程序 並比較分析其優缺點。(25 分)

二、都市建築地下室深開挖的工法有哪些? 請至少列舉 5 項。(配分 25 分)


【題組】 ⑵介電常數(10 分)

(D)反覆 的表現

(A) Consignment Trade
(B) Triangular Trade
(C) Counter Trade
(D) Transit Trade

二、債權人甲、乙分別持不同執行名義聲請強制執行債務人丙所有之 A 屋, 經執行法院合併其執行程序,債權人丁則持執行名義參與分配。嗣甲向 執行法院聲請延緩執行。試問:

【題組】 (一)執行法院是否應得乙、丁同意方得裁准延緩執行?(10 分)

6. 消費者購買決策中,包括以下各階段。一般而言,其順序為 何?(1)購後行為;(2)購買;(3)方案評估;(4)資訊蒐集; (5) 問題察覺。
(A)53421 ;
(B)34215 ;
(C)42351 ;