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二、法官承審社會矚目之名流感情糾紛案件,對於被控施暴拍攝私密照片之 被告裁定交保 30 萬元,告訴人聞訊召開記者會強烈抗議,報紙、電視及 網路等諸多輿論批評法官心證離譜,漠視民意。

【題組】(二)院長依據法院組織法有關職務監督之規定,可否將該案移轉改由其他 法官審理?院長可否改由自己審理?(15 分)

二、鉻金屬晶格具體心立方結構,原子半徑=1.25Å,原子量=52,求密度。(15 分)


【題組】⑵軸流壓縮器轉子(rotor)及靜子(stator)功能分別為何?轉子葉片為何設計成彎 曲?(15 分)

(摘錄自BMCNeurol.2019 Aug 1519(1):196)
Background: Recovery of upper limb function in individuals after a stroke remains challenging. Modified constraint-induced movement therapy (m-CIMT) has strong evidence for increasing the use and recovery of sensorimotor function of the paretic upper Jimb. Recent studies have shown that priming with aerobic exercise prior to task-specific training potentiates upper limb recovery in individuals with stroke. This protocol describes a randomized clinical trial designed to determine whether priming with moderate-high intensity aerobic exercise prior to m-CIMT will improve the manual dexterity of the paretic upper limb in individuals with chronic hemiparesis.
Methods: Sixty-two individuals with chronic hemiparesis will be randomized into two groups: Acrobic exercise + m-CIMT or Stretching + m-CIMT. m-CIMT includes 1) restraint of the nonparetic upper limb for 90% of waking hours, 2) intensive task-oriented fraining of the paretic upper limb for 3 h/day for 10 days and 3) behavior interventions for improving treatment adherence. Acrobic exercise will be conducted on a stationary bicycle at intervals of moderate to high intensity. Participants will be evaluated at baseline, 3, 30, and 90 days postintervention by the following instruments: Motor Activity Log, Nottinghan Sensory Assessmnent, Wolf Motor Function Test, Box and Block Test, Ninc-Hole Peg Test, Stroke Specific Quality of Life Scale and three-dimensional kinematics. The data will be tested for normality and homogeneity. Parametric data will be analyzed by two-way ANOVA with repeated measures and Bonferroni's adjustment. For nonparametric data, the Friedman test followed by the Wilcoxon test with Bonferroni's adjustment will be used to compare the ratings for each group. To compare the groups in cach assessment, the Mann-Whitney tost will be used. 
Discussion: This study will provide valuable informnation about the effect of motor priming for fine upper limb skill improvement in beople with chronic poststroke hemiparesis, bringing new evidence about the association of two therapies commonly used in clinical bractice.

【題組】 1.請為此摘要下一個英文與中文標題。(10%)



四、如圖所示,兩個點電荷+ q和− q位於 z 軸上,相距為 d。5bfe1050a1af0.jpg


⑶請從⑵中的電位分布(Φ )計算對應的電場分布(5bfe107c4ab11.jpg )。(7 分)


9. 一般水質金屬樣品保存期限為多久?

一、2016年11月川普當選美國總統後的言行,對美的「一個中政策」有不少衝擊。川普的核心幕 僚,曾任美國駐聯合國大使的波頓(John Bolton),2017年1月17日在《華爾街日》文 新檢視一個中國政策」,認為:「一個中國政策」乃奠基於1972年《上海公報》的背景,如今應反 映2017年的現實,現在兩岸關係已發生根本性改變,「上海公報顯然過時了」

【題組】(2)您是否贊同上波頓的觀點,此一框架已經過 時了嗎?尚能有效維持台海和平嗎?(25分)

九、有一軸轉速為 90 rpm,其扭力為 9800 N·m,則此軸傳送之馬力為多少 HP?(不考 慮摩擦力之損失,求至小數第 2 位)(10 分)