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一、依供需理論,農產品運銷價差(marketing margin)是如何產生的?在何種情況下價 差變動對零售階段之影響會大於產地階段?試繪圖說明之。(25 分)

32. 油水分離器之入口管上必須裝
(D)門型閥 以 免造成逆流。 

三、配合題(每題 1 分,共 10 分) :
請從右欄的 A-J 選項中,選出正確的描述對應到左欄 的詞語,並在括弧裡填上英文代號。每一項代號只能對應一個詞語。 
A. 義、义B. 華、花C. 然、而D. 山、川E. 同、仝F. 武、信G. 好、著H. 江、河I. 考、老J. 本、末

【題組】8.( )破音字

36. 依我國期貨交易法之規定,下列何者不得擔任期貨商之發起人、董事、監察人、經理人或業務員,其已充任者,解任之?


333. 托育人員應檢具下列哪些文件,向直轄市、縣(市)主管機關辦理托育服務登記?
(A)申請 人最近六個月內之健康檢查合格證明正本
(B)保母人員技術士證、幼兒保育、護理及家政 相關學程、科、系、所畢業證書或托育人員專業訓練課程結業證書等資格證明文件影本
(D)到宅托育人員需檢附托育服務環境安全 檢核表正本。

第三題: 網路管理面臨愈來愈嚴酷的安全挑戰,安全防護須整合網路、系統與軟體的防護,通盤 瞭解各種威脅,才能維運一個安全的網路環境。請回答下列問題:

【題組】(四)請簡要說明何謂「滲透測試」及其實施方式。【5 分】

一、Aşağıdaki parçayı Çinceye çevirin.(15 分) Ortadoğu, tarifi yapılamayan bir coğrafya... Çünkü coğrafyacıların aklı dahi bölgelerin fiziğinden, hatta ırkların yapısından evvel dinine takılıyor. Bu gayet saptırıcı bir yaklaşım. Çünkü dinlerin hepsi Ortadoğu’nun ürünü... Vahye inanan insanlar için Allah peygamberleri sadece Ortadoğu’ya göndermiş demek lazım.

請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題 
There is no denying that advanced firefighting involves not just the direct suppression of a fire but also the general knowledge of the theoretical framework of the process. The latter includes understanding the principles and methodologies behind the management and suppression of fires. To stop a conflagration, one needs to be aware of the concept of the combustion triangle, which presupposes that a conflagration needs three distinct components. Specifically, the latter would be a source of heat, oxygen, and a physical piece of burning material. As soon as the practitioner understands these premises, he or she may use various ways to convert them into methods of further fire suppression. One should note that the behavior of fires is dynamic and includes the ignition, propagation, and combustion phases. Therefore, a firefighter has to learn how to approach each activity since fires may be continuous or smoldering, as well as vary in heat content or speed. Additionally, it is also crucial to understand that the conflagrations may belong to different kinds and have unique properties, based on their sources. They can begin from electrical wires, kitchen frying pans filled with hot oil, or even various chemical substances. Consequently, concerning the verbal categorization of firefighting tactics, firefighters may oscillate between either offensive or defensive measures. The former includes the methods that allow suppressing the flames and materials directly and quickly. At the same time, defensive tactics are performed to put a perimeter around the fire and stop its spread to other objects in the area. Finally, it is also important to mention that ventilatory tactics are critical to adjust the inflow-outflow balance of gases in a building to avoid backdrafts.

【題組】48 What is the primary goal of defensive firefighting tactics?
(A) To rescue animals from fires.
(B) To directly attack the fire to extinguish it.
(C) To contain the fire and prevent its spread to adjacent areas.
(D) To educate the public about fire safety.