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49. 在進行數位學習活動時,我們必須認清數位學習的優缺點及其限制。下列敘述何者正確?
(A) 數位學習沒有任何參與門檻
(B) 學習者要有自主學習的能力
(C) 數位學習一定能提升學習效果
(D) 參與數位學習的人不會產生疏離感


        Little could people imagine a seventy-year-old man rowing a boat unassisted across a seemingly endless stretch of ocean. Frank Rothwell from Oldham of the United Kingdom did it and even became the oldest adventurer to sail solo across the 3000-mile Atlantic Ocean, setting a new world record in early February this year. Mr. Rothwell   21   on this daunting journey from Canary Island on December 12, crossing the finish line at Antigua in the Caribbean, where dozens of mega superyachts hooted their horns for him. Achieving this   22   task, Mr. Rothwell said he was feeling “euphoric.” It’s truly remarkable that in contrast to most elderly people who adamantly resist strenuous challenges, Mr. Rothwell has   23   embraced opportunities to push limits both physically and mentally. 
       Mr. Rothwell came fourth among the eight solo boats that took part in the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge. Most participants   24   between rowing and sleeping every two hours. Mr. Rothwell, on the other hand,   25   started a day on the ocean with his 1.5-hour morning ritual—brushing his teeth, using his tablet, eating his breakfast and phoning his family. Then, Mr. Rothwell managed to row in two or three-hour stints, with 10 or 20-minute breaks in between for rests and meals. He kept rowing until it was completely dark. In addition, to guarantee that his boat proceeded at a faster speed, he needed to jump into the sea every week or so, wearing a safety belt   26   to his boat, to scrape barnacles off the bottom.
        This extraordinary   27   has also raised more than £720,000 for dementia research with Alzheimer’s Research UK. Mr. Rothwell said that the money was raised for Alzheimer’s research in   28   to his brother-in-law Roger Wheeldon, who died of the disease at the age of 62. He received numerous messages from people who had had similar   29   experiences. “I hope I’ve helped other families in some way too,” Mr. Rothwell added. After the rowing competition, Mr. Rothwell announced his next challenge—building a six-ton steam traction engine from scratch in his own garage, at which his wife was   30   with delight because she thought it would keep her husband anchored at home for quite a while. 

(AB) alternated (AC) attached (AD) bursting (AE) embarked (BC) grievous (BD) typically (BE) tribute (CD) undertaking (CE) unprecedented (DE) wholeheartedly


五、假設某飛機的升力係數(CL)與攻角(α )的關係式為:

【題組】⑶討論為何協和號超音速飛機的機頭部分都要有特殊的設計考量?(6 分)



玖、印刷紙張以「令」為計量單位,一令重量稱為令重,單位為磅/令(lb/R)。(共 10 分)

【題組】 (1)令重同為 100 之大版、四六版、菊版、小版紙,紙張厚度由厚至薄為何。(5 分)

二、依照公務機關所屬人員資通安全事項獎懲辦法,公務機關就其所屬人員辦理業務涉及資通安全事項之懲處,有那八項屬法規或機關內部規範情節重大者?(25 分)

27. 進行食品之不易形成體脂肪功能評估時,必須讓受試者或動物處於熱量平衡(包括受試 樣品的攝取)且「營養均衡」的健康狀態下才能進行如下項目的評估,然後才能判斷能 否降低體脂肪的含量,但何者例外?