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【題組】 (一)遺產繼承人,在無立遺囑之前題下,除配偶外,依何種順序定之?【8 分】

25. Consider the following gas samples:
Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?

(A) Assuming identical intermolecular forces in the two samples, sample M should be more
nearly ideal than sample N.

(B) The root-mean-square velocity of molecules in sample M is twice as large as the root-
mean-square velocity of molecules in sample N.

(C) The average kinetic energy of the molecules in sample M is twice the average kinetic
energy of the molecules in sample N.

(D) The fraction of molecules in sample M having kinetic energies greater than some high
fixed value is larger than the fraction of molecules in sample N having kinetic energies
greater than that same high fixed value.

(E) The volume of sample M is twice the volume of sample N.


2. A closed and rigid vessel containing air-water vapor mixture undergoes a cooling process with the volume of 2.172 m3, Fig.2. The operation conditions are summarized in Table 2. The dew point temperature of the initial state is 99.63℃. Air behaviors as an ideal gas with specific heat ratio of 1.4. Determine (a) the initial temperature of mixture Ti, in℃, (b) the initial pressure of mixture p1, in bar, (c) the mass of vapor, in kg, (d) the mass of dry air, in kg, (e) the temperature of mixture T2 when water vapor starts to condensate, in ℃,
(D) the pressure of the mixture P2, in bar, as the mixture temperature reaches T2, (g) the heat transfer during the cooling process, in kJ, (h) the entropy production during the cooling process, in kJ/K, if the vessel boundary always keeps at a constant temperature of T2. (32%)


22. 國際海上避碰規則的第一章Part A General與第二章Part B Steering And Sailing Rules的適 用優先順序,下述何者為正確?
(A) 需先能適用第一章,才考慮適用第二章
(B) 需先適用第二章,才考慮適用第一章
(C) 需同時適用第一章與第二章全部規定
(D) 適用哪一章,兩者各不相干


【題組】⑵將此網路轉換成∆-接網路。(15 分)