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一、 己知要保人(甲)分別向保險人A、B、C、D投保火災保險,其保險内容如下表所示: 今假設104. 7.1.發生保險事故,損失時保險價額與損失金額均為100萬元,今基於善 意複保險前提下,請依下列因種基礎計算保險人A、B、C、D各應赔付多少?(40分)


6. 下列何者常用來做蝦米?


II. Essay questions
1.   Beda, a family-owned business based in FJC, builds custom homes with special features, such
as hidden rooms and hidden wall safes. Beda has been an audit client for three years.
     You are about to sign off on a "clean" opinion on Beda's current annual financial statements
when Juda, the VP-Finance, calls to tell you that the FJC Department of Revenue has seized control
of a Beda bank account that includes about $450,000 of company funds; the account is not currently
recorded in the accounting system and you had been unaware of it. In response to your questions
about the origin of the funds, Juda assures you that the funds, though not recorded as revenue, had
been obtained legitimately. He explains that all of the money came from separately billed but
unrecorded change orders to items in contracts completed before you became Beda's auditor, and
before he or any members of current management became involved with the company. You
subsequently determine that there is insufficient evidence to allow you to reconstruct the nature of
these cash transactions, although the following analysis is available from the FJC Department of
    Juda also informs you that Beda has agreed to pay a combined tax and penalty of 12 percent on
the total funds deposited within 120 days as require by a recently enacted rule that provides amnesty
for tax evaders. Furthermore, he states that negotiations with the Internal Revenue Service are in

【題組】b. The professional standards state that fraud relates to intentional misstatements or omissions of amounts or disclosures in the financial statements. Misstatements due to fraud may occur due to either (a) fraudulent financial reporting or (b) misappropriation of assets. Does the situation appear to be fraud? If so, is it fraudulent financial reporting, misappropriation of assets, or both?

23 下列那些是影響軌道路線供給容量之因素?①站間軌道數目與運轉方式 ②站間距離 ③可用列車數 ④閉塞制度種類 ⑤列車外觀

一、試論述說明目前科技進步對地圖繪製的影響為何?並舉例說明。(20 分)


【題組】⑴名詞解釋:垂直型對外直接投資(vertical foreign direct investment)、水平型對外 直接投資(horizontal foreign direct investment)。(10 分)

一、魚菜共生系統中的水質管理,與傳統室外藻水養殖池的水質管理,有何 異同之處?(25 分)

三、有關數位印刷(Digital Printing),試回答下列問題:

【題組】(三) 何謂依需印刷(Printing on Demand)其與數位印刷有何關係。【5 分】


 繪出傳統 CMOS 電路圖以實現佈林函數5fc9efaa4a613.jpg


(二)以5fc9efea02c3f.jpg 實現一級(one stage)CMOS 電路圖,5fc9f003f3928.jpg為輸入。(提示:其中5fc9f05c6ecbf.jpg以第(一) 小題中展開結果代入)【5 分】