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請依下文回答第 36 題至第 40 題: 
   There is no doubt that the financial services industry is changing. It always does. The changes, regardless of shifts in technology, regulation, or global events, can be dizzying. From the largest multinational firms to the smallest community institutions, it is time to revisit future plans – because what has led to success until now may not work as well in the future.
   At most financial institutions, a digital future prompts both hope and concern. After all, legacy systems, processes, and relationships make innovation extremely difficult. Many firms still struggle with making a digital transformation, even as future growth may depend on it. Using data and analytics, firms may predict client needs and find new paths to profit. With artificial intelligence and digital labor, they can unlock powerful insights and move staff to higher-value work.
   When facing change, flexibility and creativity matter. All firms have to manage expenses, but the easy cuts for cost containment have usually been made first. Meanwhile, there are rapidly changing global trends and the effects of tightening monetary policy. For some firms, it is time to shake up business models, acquire technology, and more. And effective people strategy can help them benefit from diversity, sustain trust, and prepare their workforce for the future. 
   Cybersecurity continues to threaten profit, data privacy, and reputation, and regulators have been paying attention. In other ways, government policy is leaning in a more favorable direction, with a new set of referees in place at key agencies as regulatory easing kicks in. This means firms have room to think about how to make compliance investments more efficient. And as the government has worked on reforming the tax code, many firms have been ramping up tax planning to adapt to what may be a very different set of rules.
   Leading financial firms are starting to reap the rewards of investments in emerging technology. They are also taking steps to get ahead of regulatory changes and adapting their long-term strategies to reflect global and societal shifts. For those who are prepared, this may be a time to pull ahead of the pack.

【題組】36 What is the passage mainly about?
(A) Shifts in technology and their impacts on the financial services industry.
(B) Preparing for changes and possibilities in the financial services industry.
(C) Developing long-term adaptive strategies for the financial services industry.
(D) Challenges and problems faced by the financial services industry in the future.


三、內政部持續推動「強韌臺灣大規模風災震災整備與協作計畫」中有關「建立民間協作及企業合作機制」執行具體作為與核心內容為何?當大規模災害發生時搶救人力不足之情形下,要運用國軍、民防與全民防衛動員,依「國軍協助災害防救辦法」及「結合民防與全民防衛動員準備體系及協力組織執行災害整備及應變實施辦法」之規定,渠等協助救災事項之規定為何?請詳述之。(25 分)

46.排水管內的壓力變化大時,會將存水彎中的水封吸走,為了防止這種現象發生,常於排水管內裝置 下列何種管件?

32 正常的角膜的弧度最常為何種情況?

六、一汽缸裝置內含 5 moles 的理想氣體,其 Cp=2.5 R,Cv=1.5 R。在 20℃下,氣體 經過一絕熱可逆壓縮程序,從 1 bar 壓縮到 10 bar 之後,鎖定活塞位置,然後再把 汽缸與一個 20℃熱槽做熱接觸,使熱量傳給氣體直到溫度為 20℃。試求此氣體的 熵變化。(20 分)

40. 45歲病人,BMI 40 kg/m2,頸圍 45cm,患有高血壓,晚上睡覺會打鼾且白天醒來都 很嗜睡,預接受腹腔鏡闌尾切除術。有關麻醉考量,下列敘述何者正確?
(A) 誘導前不需先給氧氣
(B) 全身止痛應優先區域止痛
(C) 病人較易遭遇困難面罩通氣或困難插管
(D) benzodiazepines 和 opioids 不需要減量

3. 王先生因意識不清楚而入院,抽血檢查如下:Na+120mEq/L、K+3.6mEq/L、Ca+13mg/dL, 下列那些處置最適當? ①0.9% saline靜脈注射②給予calcium carbonate③補充氯化鉀④給予thiazides類利尿劑
(A) ①②
(B) ①④
(C) ②③
(D) ③④