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四、為了此次準備考試,焚膏繼晷,日以繼夜讀書,更由於過度緊張導致常常失眠,精 神不濟。昨晚不小心又多喝了幾杯咖啡,徹夜難眠,ㄧ大清早電話又響不停。種種 因素導致你今天一早異常頭疼,但為了參加考試必須解決此一問題。從藥櫃中找到 ㄧ瓶治療頭疼的藥,瓶身上標示 30 分鐘內即可解除症狀,試問:

【題組】 ⑵ 多久之後適合再次使用此藥物?(15 分) 
 藥物排除速率常數(Elimination rate constant)= 0.277/hr 
 藥物分布體積(Apparent distribution volume)= 35 liters 
 藥物吸收率(Fraction absorbed)= 80% 
 藥物濃度(Therapeutic range)= 10-20μg/ml


五、藥物與藥物的藥物動力學交互作用,可能減少或增加藥物輸送到達作用部位,請敘 述可能機轉,以及討論交互作用後的可能結果。(20 分)

"Isolation. Intended or not in individual cases, the melancholy gestalt is strong, as is its silver- lining irony of satisfying all artists' ruling wish: to be alone in the studio. Alone with themselves. I found myself experiencing the works less as calculated images than as prayers.
 It's an effect common enough in both art and life: consciousness stumbling upon soulfulness. I think of lines by John Ashbery:
The soul is not a soul,
Has no secret, is small, and it fits
Its hollow perfectly, its room, our moment of attention.
 An event rather than an entity, the soul defines our deepest depths, oblivious of sensation, thought, and feeling - touching bottom in our simple existence. Nearly all mystics posit a oneness of attention and worship. Friends agree with me that, for those of us who have been confined to home, these past months of forced lassitude have given rise to moments that are essentially mystical: temporary losses of ourselves, like existential hiccups, that we would likely not have noticed if we were leading full lives."
Art and the pandemic. First question (50 %): Explain the above passage as best you can.
 Second Question (50 %): What piece of art has brought you to recognize a 'oneness of attention and worship'? What poem, movie, novel, music, painting has moved you to a loss of yourself you would call mystical?


二、某無障礙廁所空間及尺寸(室內高 280;單位:公分)如下圖所示。請 依據建築物無障礙設施設計規範,配置馬桶、洗手台、鏡子及必要設施, 安排入口門扇,繪製無障礙廁所平面大樣圖(比例 1/20)及剖面大樣圖 (比例 1/20)進行充分說明(下圖所示之牆厚均為粉刷後 15 公分)。(20 分)5c19eb3aa4f74.jpg

23.經由管理當局的推動策劃、執行、控制之機能,來從事調查、分析、預測、產品 發展、訂價、推廣、交易、實體配銷等行銷有關的活動,以發掘、刺激及滿足社 會各階層慾望,並謀取彼此利益之所有管理活動,係指:

三、請簡要說明個案管理服務模式的實施程序。試以某外籍配偶養育一個未滿五歲且被 醫師認定為發展遲緩的幼兒為例,說明你將如何運用個案管理服務模式協助這個家 庭。(25 分)

37 下列何者不被認為是思覺失調症(Schizophrenia)的主要症狀?