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(A) 在途存款
(B) 託收票據
(D) 存款不足退票

54. 消除靜電的有效方法為下列何者?

22. 下列何者可能有毒,不適合使用作為食材?


1.(50 points) The convolutional layer is the core building block of a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), which is widely used in today's machine learning methods to classify images and recognize speeches. For example, the figure below shows a CNN which contains two convolutional layers. The first convolutional layer applies 4 learnable filters (or kernels) to the input image and produces 4 feature maps.6201c6fd78351.jpg Although the above example uses 2-dimensional convolutions, let us start with I-dimensional convolution here for simplicity. The convolution of two 1-dimensional finite sequences is defined by as the following: 6201c7332d0b3.jpg
 where the symbol * denotes a convolution operator, fis the input sequence, and g is the convolution kernel of size (2M+1).
Suppose the input sequence fin our case study contains N data points, and each data point is represented by a 32-bit floating-point number. The convolution kernel g is also composed by 32-bit floating-point numbers. Please answer the following questions:

【題組】(b) [5 points] Please convert your C code to an assembly code. No optimization is needed here. You can use any instruction set architecture, but please make sure that your code is comprehensive with sufficient comments.

(A)chopstick rest
(B)dinner plate
(C)service fork and spoon
(D)silver platter

14 Pour réserver une chambre, un client peut dire : _____
(A) Pourquoi l’Hôtel du Cheval Blanc est-il idéal pour les enfants ?
(B) Auriez-vous une chambre libre ?
(C) Pour combien de personnes ?
(D) Ce sera pour combien de nuits ?

3. 請以臺灣的環境為例,說明粘粒、pH值與陽離子交換容量在化育過程中的變化趨勢。(15%)

二、試依目前兩岸法制規範比較回答下列問題:(25 分)

【題組】 ⑵丙向丁購買智慧型手機一支,約定於西元 2011 年 9 月 1 日由丁送至丙住所交付 於丙,屆期丁依約送至丙住所欲交付時,丙卻因事外出,致丁無從交付,而將該 手機攜回,於回程搭載計程車時,因計程車與他車擦撞,致該手機遭毀壞。則該 買賣標的物之危險負擔應由何人承擔?