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18.煉鋼後廢水中的鈣離子與水的硬度習習相關,可使用乙烯二胺四乙酸(Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid,簡稱 EDTA)之二鈉鹽溶液在 pH 10.0 緩衝溶液下滴定廢水中鈣離子與鎂離子總濃度,進 而決定水的硬度。請問鈣或鎂離子與 EDTA 之間作用力的描述下列哪一種作用力最為合適?
(A) 凡得瓦力
(B) 氫鍵
(C) 靜電作用力
(D) 配位共價鍵


Question 261cbcfe3a9a2d.jpg

(a) Determine the maximum allowed partial pressure of water vapor in wet hydrogen (H2 + H2O) at 1 atm in which manganese (Mn) can be heated without oxidation occurring at 1100℃

1.某醫院設有一般病床 600 床,若去年(共有 365 天)一整年之總住院人日數為 186150 人 日,請問該院去年之一般病床佔床率為多少?

五、試說明鋼鐵材料與鋁合金銲接之異同,又如何檢測並控制其品質?(20 分)


【題組】⑵並請分別比較以下四類魚種飼料特性:肉食、雜食、植物(食性) 暖水或冷水(溫度)海水或淡水(鹽度)其他可考慮的對比, 對設計此新魚種飼料的意義。(16 分)

11. Published guidelines exist for management of care following an AM! to promote secondary prevention and to minimize the risk of developing HF. Which of the following is incorrect?
(A) Nearly 22% percentage of patients who experienced an AMI went on to develop heart failure (HF).
(B) The pattern of BNP dynam mic change ge within the first w week of the MI event is monophasic and increases linearly.
(C) Drigs that help to minimize the risk of Hr include beta-blockers (BBs), angiotensin con nverting-enzyr yme (ACE) inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs), and mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists (MRAs). The utilization of BBs, ARBS, and A CE-inhibitors post-MI is good, while the use of MRAs is marginal.
(D) Evidence from the Europ ociety of Cardiology (ESC) Heart Failure Long Term Registry showed that reaching target doses has been better achieved in ACE inhibitors and MRAs.

46. 雨後天空中的彩虹是陽光經過下列何過程所造成的現象?
(A) 一次折射一次反射
(B) 一次折射兩次反射
(C) 兩次折射一次反射
(D) 兩次折射兩次反射

二、奴隸制度在人類社會有長久的歷史,其中 16 至 19 世紀的大西洋奴隸貿易對於今日世界的影響尤為深遠。請說明此時期大西洋奴隸貿易興起的原因、它的運作方式,以及對後世的影響。 (25 分)