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4.如下圖所示電路之開關在閉合很久以後(假設已達穩態),於時間 t = 0 時啟斷,求啟斷 瞬間電感器電流 IL(t)之值為  
(A) 1
(B) 3
(C) 0
(D) 5 A。

53 23 歲女性,因發音困難前來就診,主訴突然發聲不出,咽喉梗塞感明顯,無痰,不痛但緊,在發生 前因工作不順遂,情緒一直不佳,心情煩躁,口微乾,脈弦。宜用下列何方為主方?

37. 連袖和服袖如果袖山的傾斜度太強,袖下會變短,手臂難以抬舉而失去機能性,此時可以 在腰部做蓬鬆設計或在袖下加什麼以增加活動機能性?
(A) 寬份
(B) 檔布
(C) 開岔
(D) 荷葉

You are being evaluated on your knowledge of British literature. The purpose of this examination is to show your grader as much as you can the extent and depth of your knowledge of British literature. N.B. Express your understanding of British literature in analytical and meaningful terms. Avoid repeating or overlapping material and ideas in different answers and parts of this examination. Also, references to authors and literary works should be clear, precise, and correct. Correct spelling in such references is all important. Remembcr to identify your answer by part (A or B) and by number.
 Part A. 60 points. Choose ten (10) of the following items. Identify and comment on the significance of each of the ten in British literature in a brief paragraph of at least three sentenc s (that is, each of the ten answers must be at least one three-sentence paragraph in length). You will not receive extra credit for answering more than ten. If you choose to answer more than ten, your grader will evaluate just the first ten answers.

【題組】18. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern

一、下列有關網路攻擊方式,請詳細說明:(每小題 5 分,共 10 分)

【題組】 ⑴SSL Flood

四、請論述國際上生物多樣性公約與我國自然資源管理的關係與影響。(25 分)

題目一: 拗折需要理論(kinked demand curve theory)說明寡占市場廠商之間對產品價格漲跌反 應互動情形:廠商 A 降低產品價格時,其他廠商亦降低其價格;廠商 A 提高產品價格時,其 他廠商產品價格不變,請分別繪圖說明回答下列小題:

【題組】 (一)說明如何形成寡占市場拗折需要線及邊際收益線?【15 分】