49. 右圖為一差動放大器,若 RC= 50 kΩ,RE= 200 kΩ,電晶體
的小信號參數 β0= 10,gm = 4 mS,當 V1 = 0 V,V2 = 3 mV時
,試求 為何?
(A) -300 mV
(B) -200 mV
(C) 200 mV
(D) 300 mV
4. (10 pts) Suppose that a process needs to read and write a large file from the storage sub-system. Please answer the
five sub-questions using one of three values:
(A) - less than,
(B)- greater than, and
(C) - similar to.
Assume blocking 1/0 is adopted as the 1/0 model, the file to be stored has very large size, and the delay of system
load can be ignored here.The file system has 4K-byte data blocks.
The following table shows the setting of the process and the sub-questions to be answered. The first column defines
the buffering model, the second column defines the parameters of the buffering model, and the third column shows the
function calls used to store the data. The first line of below table stands for the baseline, which considers the combination
of unbuffered 1/0, 4K buffer size, and no disk synchronization, to be compared to.