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【題組】11 那些工資項目或獎金(津貼)可以納入基本工資計算?

56. 下列行為何者「不」屬於敬業精神的表現?
(D) 隱匿公司產品瑕疵訊息。

一、現場是物證的寶庫,是嫌犯犯罪行為的紀錄,刑案現場可以區分很多種類,了解刑 案現場特質,有助於物證之蒐集與處理,關於刑案現場與跡證之處理問題,請回答 下列問題:

【題組】 ⑴簡述現場跡證之類型。(10 分)

2.請問草莓炭疽病及灰黴病在台灣之發生情形為何?防治策略有哪些? (10分)

1. Read the following news report and write an essay to discuss what makes a good online course.

A regulatory body in the UK that looks after student affairs has warned universities to be honest about online lessons. The Office for Students issued a request to higher education providers not to make promises that lessons from September will be in-person or face-to-face. Currently, thousands of institutions worldwide are delivering lessons online because of the coronavirus pandemic. The quality of these lessons quite often depends on the proficiency of teachers to successfully exploit video conferencing platforms to replicate a classroom experience. The body said: "Tailored support needs to be put in place." Cambridge University has announced all of its lessons will be online until the summer of 2021.

The Office for Students chief executive, Nicola Dandridge, warned universities and colleges to be "as clear as they can" when informing students of what kind of teaching situation they will receive. She said: "None of us knows exactly what is going to be happening in the autumn. What we don't want to see is promises that it's all going to be back to usual with an on-campus experience, when that is not the case." She added: "The point here is absolute clarity to students so they know what they are getting in advance to accepting [university] offers." She said that, "every reasonable effort" should be made to ensure that students, "receive good outcomes and that the quality of their teaching is robust".

 依據右邊的記憶體內容若暫存器 R1 的值是 500 而基底暫存器的值是 400,請問依序回答下列 四道題目5c6275d649e2b.jpg

【題組】40.若定址模式是立即定址, 請問累加器(ACC)所載入的值是:
(A) 500
(B) 600
(C) 700
(D) 800



題目六: 某單相供電系統如下圖所示,若單相負載電壓為 200 V(有效值)、視在功率為 20 kVA、 功率因數為 0.8 滯後、傳輸線的等效電抗 Xf ˆ 為 j0.5W。試求:5e5dfe6b33229.jpg


(三)電源側的電壓5e5dfed8e4c82.jpg 。【5 分】