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一、一鋼筋混凝土簡支矩形梁,梁斷面寬度 b=40 cm、深度h=60 cm,有效深度 d= 53 cm,配置 4 支 D25 拉力鋼筋及 D13@15 箍筋。試求混凝土強度 分別為 f’c = 210 kgf/cm2 及 f’c = 280 kgf/cm2 時,斷面的延展比與兩者的比值。(25 分)

五、請解釋什麼是生態系服務(ecosystemservices?(5分),生態系服務中的 文化服務(culturalscrvices)是什麼?(10分),又文化服務要如何評估呢? (10分)

6. Suppose that a disk drive has 1024 cylinders, numbered from 0 to 1023. The drive is currently serving
a request at cylinder 200, and the previous request was at cylinder 125. The queue of pending requests, in
FIFO order, is
50, 500, 250, 800, 350, 550, 400, 600, 100.
Starting from the current head position, what is the total distance (in cylinders) that the disk arm moves to
satisfy all the pending requests for each of the following disk scheduling algorithms?

【題組】 (a) SSTF



(A) 實功率守恆
(B) 虛功率守恆
(C) 複功率守恆
(D) 視在功率守恆

第七大題: 依據下列摘要,請用中文回答以下問題(10%)
 It Just Makes Sense: Sensory Strategies in Educational Contexts, An Effieacy Study
 It Just Makes Sense, a nine-month professional development program conducted with Broward County Schools for occupational and physical therapists included four wo orkshops, community of learning, knowledge translation, sensory equipment lending library, and adult learning theories to guide an enhanced way to provide cont tinuing education. After an initial needs assess sment, which identified bariers related to time, space, systems, teacher collaboration, teacher knowledge, therapist knowledge, administrator support, and lack of equipment, the program was created to address the identified needs and promote competence and mastery for the participating therapists and related services administration team. With a program goal toward efficacy and generalization of knowledge and skills obtained, a research study utilizing a qualitative approach provided participant experiences of the trainings to inform how a long-term program can empower therapists within a system that has multiple contextual and environmental barriers toward sensory-based interventions (Mills & Chapparo, 2018). Within schools, there is potential for up to 16.5% of the student populations to have sensory-related needs that influence occupational performance (Ben-Sasson, Carter, & Briggs-Gowan, 2009), potentially impacting approximately 43,000 students in Broward County Schools, the sixth largest district in the United States (Broward County Public Schools, 2018). This study utilized a phenomenological methodology, using convenience and purposive sampling, resulting in a sample of five school-based occupational therapists who completed three of the four workshops. Utilizing a semi-structured interview format and Colaizzi's (1973) seven-step phenomenological method, participants provided symbolic representations of their experience of the program. The rescarchers then coded the individual interviews during data analysis; thematic analysis commenced with a resulting bracket analysis for final thematic conclusions. Utilizing the Kawa model (Iwama, 2006), systems theory (Meadows, 2008), and occupational adaptation (Schkade & Schultz, 1992) for theoretical guidance, the resulting themes of the study emphasized the unique barriers of school system service delivery, limits Telated to traditional continuing education formats, specific enablers related to teacher receptiveness, interprofessional collaboration, and format of the workshops, and the personal enablers related to desire for learning and life experiences. The results were then converted into a discussion involving a professional development knowledge translation cycle, including five process elements: self-reflection. desire for mastery, knowledge gained, knowledge translation. and selfefficacy toward generalization. The information gained from this study is important to convey how school-based therapists encounter unique barriers within sensory-based intervention delivery. thus requiring adaptation of traditional continuing education and professional development formats to better mect their needs. consistent with needs identified by Laverdure (2014) and utilize the strong enablers of pediatric OTs and their commitment to practice (Seruya & Hinojosa, 2010). This study has potential to influence multiple aspects of occupational therapy, including validating barriers experienced by school-based therapists working with children with sensory needs, exploring effective ways to adapt professional development for school-based therapists, identifying enablers within school contexts for improved delivery of sensory-based interventions, and encouraging use of self-retlection as a means toward improved efficacy with continuing education.
(文章來源:Quint,N.(2020).It just makes sense:Sensory strategies in educational contexts, An eficacy study. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 74. 7411515454. https://doi.org/10.5014/aiot.2020.74S1-P09318)

