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四、生產計畫與管制基本上是要將生產活動在時間軸上做最佳的安排,而生產活動的安 排則有賴掌握正確的生產需求,試說明何謂需求預測?(10 分)又有那些方法可以 協助我們掌握正確的需求預測,試舉一例說明之。(10 分)

第 37 題~第 44 題使用下表計算:

40. 現年 50 歲購買死亡即刻給付、保額 100 萬之 30 年期生死合險,則躉繳純保費為多少元?
(A) 低於 250,000
(B) 250,001~300,000
(C) 300,001~350,000
(D) 高於 350,001

41. 承第 40 題,若改成二十年繳費,則年繳純保險費為多少元?
(A) 低於 20,000
(B) 20,001~30,000
(C) 30,001~40,000
(D) 高於 40,001

【題組】42. 承第 41 題,若附加費用率為 17%,則年繳總保險費為多少元?
(A) 低於 20,000
(B) 20,001~30,000
(C) 30,001~40,000
(D) 高於 40,001

57 下列何種污染物適合以還原反應進行處理?

57. 豬隻屠宰時,下列何種處理較易發生 DFD 肉

10. Read the following paragraph that introduces the concept of model predictive control(MPC): Model predic- tive control (MPC) is an advanced method of process control that is used to control a process while satisfying a set of constraints. It has been in use in the process industries in chemical plants and oil refneries since the 1980s. In recent years it has also been used in power system balancing models and in power electronics. Model predictive controllers rely on dynanic models of the process, most often linear empirical models ob- tained by system identifcation. The main aduantage of MPC is the fact that it allous the current timeslot to be optimized, while keeping future timeslots in account. This is achieued by optimizing a finite time-horizon, but only implementing the current timeslot and then optimizing again, repeatedly, thus differing from Linear- Quadratic Regulator (LQR). Aiso MPC has the ability to anticipate future events and can take control actions accordingly. PID controllers do not have this predictive ability. MPC is nearly universally implemented as a digitaI control, although there is research into achieving jaster response times with specially designed analog circuitry. (test acquired from Wilipedia) According to the above paragraph, which of the following statements are true?
(A) MPC applies an optimization solver to acquire the optimal control action with the consideration of the predicted responses and system constraints.
(B) PID controllers do not have the predictive ability because they can be tuned without knowing the dy- namic model.
(C) The performance of MPC may be deteriorated if the dynamic model is inaccurate.
(D) LQR control cannot optimize the control action over a finite time-horizon.
(E) Although it is possible to implement MPC on analog circuitry, MPC is usually implemented on computers or microprocessors.

35.Which of the following foods is NOT a good source of omega-3 fatty acid?
(A) Fish;
(B) Flaxseeds;
(C) Walnuts;
(D) Sunflower seeds.

一、說明動態雜湊索引(dynamic hashing index)的結構,以及其在查詢與更新資料時之 運作方式。(20 分)

三、依「高速公路及快速公路交通管制規則」說明「慢速車」之定義,又車輛行駛高、 快速公路其車道使用之規定為何?(25 分)

三、請論述昆蟲完全變態及脫皮過程中,荷爾蒙如何參與調控,並繪圖說明, 同時請說明利用此類荷爾蒙發展的殺蟲劑例子。(25 分)