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67 有關於起重機具之施工技術下列何者不正確?
(A) 輪胎式起重機具機 動性極佳之優點
(B)履帶式起重機具因履帶之寬度較大,於吊裝作業時 可直接作為支撐座之作用
(C)起重機之作業仰角(桁架與地面之夾角) 越大,有效吊重越低
(D)起重機之吊距(掛鉤與桁架固定支點之水平距 離)越遠有效吊重越低。

一、行政院於去年十一月頒訂「防制人口販運行動計畫」,希望透過跨部會整合方式建 立相關機制,改善人口販運犯罪現況。請回答下列問題:

【題組】 ⑴防制人口販運行動計畫的 3P 政策,內涵為何?(10 分)

四、設有一棟五層樓房屋,其中第三層樓在最近發生買賣,請問如何估計該棟樓房之基 地價格?又,如發生買賣的樓層不是第三層樓,而是地面層,則基地價格是否不同? 其理由為何?請評述之。(25 分)    

47. 緊急廣播系統啟動時若地區音響開關未開啟,則該區聽到廣播之效果是
(D)需稍 後才能。

Questions 181~185 refer to the following emails.
Subject: Offer of Employment for Industrial Designer Position

Dear Richard,

I am pleased to inform you that you have been offered the position of Industrial Designer at our company. Your impressive portfolio and exceptional performance during the interview process has earned you this opportunity, despite the lack of practical experience.

We were impressed by your creativity, attention to detail, and your ability to articulate your design concepts during the second interview. We believe you will make a valuable contribution to our team, and we are excited to have you on board.

Your first day of work will be on the 1st of next month at our company headquarters. Please find attached a temporary access pass which you will need to print and bring with you on the day. Additionally, please remember to bring your graduation certificate with you as well.

We believe you will excel in this role and we look forward to working with you. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Best regards,

HR Manager

Subject: Re: Offer of Employment for Industrial Designer Position

Dear HR Manager,

Thank you for your email offering me the position of Industrial Designer at your company. I am honored to receive this offer, and I appreciate the confidence you have shown in my abilities. 

After careful consideration, I have decided to decline the offer. I would like to take this opportunity to explain my decision.

Firstly, I have received another offer that aligns more closely with my career goals and personal interests. I believe this opportunity will provide me with a better platform to develop my skills and advance my career.

Secondly, I have some personal commitments that require my attention and will not allow me to dedicate my full focus to this role. I would not want to join the company and not be able to give my best efforts. 

Lastly, I have realized that the company's location is not convenient for me, and the daily commute would take up a significant portion of my time. As much as I appreciate the opportunity to work with your team, I have to make a choice that will enable me to balance work and personal commitments effectively.

I would like to thank you and the company for the time and effort invested in the recruitment process, and I apologize for any inconvenience my decision may have caused. Please convey my gratitude to the hiring manager and the team for their consideration.

Thank you once again for the opportunity, and I wish you and the team all the best.



【題組】185. Which of the following is NOT the reason Richard declined the job offer?
(A)Richard received another offer that aligns more closely with his career goals and personal interests.
(B)Richard has personal commitments that require his attention and will not allow him to dedicate his full focus to this role.
(C) Richard realized that the company's location is not convenient for him, and the daily commute would take up a significant portion of his time.
(D)Richard declined the offer because he is not interested in working with some of the company's team members.

10. I never trusted him because I always thought of him as such a _______ character.
(A) gracious
(B) suspicious
(C) unique
(D) particular

15. 下面哪一棟知名的臺灣地標建築比較趨近於所謂的國際式樣?
(A) 中正紀念堂
(B) 圓山大飯店
(C) 國父紀念館
(D) 高雄85大樓


【題組】 ⑵根據我國政府機關(構)資安事件數位證據保全標準作業程序之規定,於數據封 緘作業時有那些程序需遵守?(10 分)

二、 請自《逃出絕命鎮》(Get Out)、《敦克爾克大行動》(Dunkirk)、《真寵》(The Favourite)和《沒有煙硝的愛情》(Cold War)四部電影中任選其中兩部,針對 其「電影美學」的特徵,進行闡述(30%)。

18. 下列有關二接觸物體間之摩擦角與靜止角的敘述何者正確?
(A)摩擦角可能大於靜 止角
(D)摩擦角必等於靜止 角。