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38. 正常狀況下有一白血球細胞,細胞核為四葉且細胞質顆粒可被稍微染上粉紅色,數目佔白血球一半以上,最可能為下列何種細胞?
(A) 嗜中性球
(B) 嗜酸性球
(C) 嗜鹼性球
(D) 單核球

21. 公務機關首長要求人事單位聘僱自己的弟弟擔任工友,違反何種法令?
(B)未違反 法令

1.如【圖 6】所示之ㄈ型平面,若塗色部分面積之形心座標(6539c9ab032a2.jpg),試求:


(2) 6539c9c20dc06.jpg為何?(8分)

21. 關於 SF Symbols,下列敘述哪一項錯誤?
(A) 提供上千種不同的圖示,並且 Xcode 內建
(B) 有些圖示可以透過變數讓圖示產生變化
(C) 可以修改圖示顏色
(D) 屬於 PNG 類型的圖檔格式

【已刪除】請依下文回答第 56 題至第 60 題: 
When the police chief in Tacoma, Wash. shot and killed his wife in a parking lot after years of abusing her, the shock from that event 10 years ago mobilized national support for a more aggressive response to domestic violence in police households. While police officers today are more aware of the problem, the following is also true: In many departments, an officer will automatically be fired for a positive marijuana test, but can stay on the job after abusing or battering a spouse. In the wake of the Tacoma killing, the International Association of Chiefs of Police strengthened its efforts to persuade departments to adopt a set of model rules on domestic violence in their own ranks. Responding to concerns that domestic violence had long been treated more leniently than other forms of misconduct, the organization called for zero tolerance for abusers, tougher pre-employment screening and a separate set of procedures to ensure rigorous investigation of every accusation. But police departments have been slow to adopt the rules. And while most officials say they treat domestic abuse by officers as they would any other form of misconduct, interviews and disciplinary records indicate that, in fact, punishment is often light and job loss uncommon. Only a quarter of the 56 largest city and county police departments that responded to a recent survey have a distinct policy for domestic violence involving officers. And only one, Nashville, has adopted the entire model policy, according to the survey, conducted by The New York Times and the PBS investigative news program “Frontline.” Three others — Charlotte, N.C.; Chicago; and Columbus, Ohio — follow most of its provisions.

【題組】56 What is the main idea of this passage?
(A)Domestic violence is rare among police officers.
(B) It is illegal to abuse one’s spouse.
(C)One police officer shot and killed his wife.
(D)Police departments are slow to police their own abusers.

28. 下圖中紅色箭頭所指之構件為何? 5f436c0f5d99c.jpg
(A) 鎖止鍵片
(B) 金屬楔
(C) 固結條
(D) 繫牢帶

32. 勃格曼定律(Bergmann’s rule ),指出寒帶的恆溫動物,其體型會大於熱帶的相關種類。 依據該定理,其原因為何?
(A) 增加食物儲存
(B) 減少單位體積食物利用
(C) 減少熱量散失
(D) 增加熱量散失

4. 依現行法令之規定,股票已上市已上櫃公司之集保戶股東,可透過往來之經紀商,以集保帳簿劃撥方式提出申請辦理之業務為?

一、請解釋問題行為的功能評量與功能分析。並舉一個結合 Multi-element design 和 ABAB design 的功能分析實例。(20%)

李老先生 76 歲,身高:163cm,體重:75kg 藥物過敏史:無 
 影響用藥之議題:鼻胃管灌食(NG-feeding), 平日另補充銀杏食品養身。 
 另外出現情緒不穩定、無法言語及不認識家屬等情況,經一天觀察後今天由醫院出院回 到護理之家。          就醫前無例行性的檢驗監測數據可供參考。此次就醫所測的檢驗數值: BP:148/102 mmHg,SCr = 1.8 mg/dL,AST/ALT = 51/48,K+ = 6.3 mEq/l,HAb1c = 7.5。
 請依據上述病人資料,填寫下列醫師處方的適應症及疑似藥物治療問題(每格 1 分)