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一、如何使用設井過程中得到的岩心土樣資料及井水位資料來判識含水層為受壓(confined) 或非受壓(unconfined)?(10 分)

第三題: 【程式碼 3】為網頁之 ASP.NET 程式部分原碼,請寫出四個空格處之內容,使網頁具備下列功能:
 ● 使用者若未填寫姓名,輸出錯誤訊息"務必輸入姓名!" 
● 使用者再次輸入密碼若與剛設定密碼不相同,輸出錯誤訊息"輸入密碼不一致!"5e795bb54f183.jpg

34. 一直流電源供應器,無載時輸出電壓為 30V,滿載時輸出電壓為 25V,則電壓調整率為

請依下文回答第 16 題至第 20 題:Since the 1980s, immigration has drastically increased, making the city more ethnically and linguisticallydiverse. More than half of the people in Vancouver do not speak English as their first language. Almost 30%of the city’s inhabitants are of Chinese heritage. In the 1980s, an influx of immigrants from Hong Kong inanticipation of the transfer of sovereignty from the United Kingdom to China, combined with an increase inimmigrants from mainland China and previous immigrants from Taiwan, established in Vancouver one ofthe highest concentrations of ethnic Chinese residents in North America. This arrival of Asian immigrantscontinued a tradition of immigration from around the world that had established Vancouver as thesecond-most popular destination for immigrants in Canada after Toronto. Other significant Asian ethnicgroups in Vancouver are Filipino, Japanese, Korean, as well as sizeable communities of Vietnamese,Indonesians, and Cambodians. Despite increases in Latin American immigration to Vancouver in the 1980s and '90s, recent immigration hasbeen comparatively low, and African immigration has been similarly stagnant. The black population ofVancouver is rather scant in comparison to other Canadian major cities. The neighborhood of Strathcona wasthe core of the city’s Jewish community. Hogan’s Alley, a small area adjacent to Chinatown, just off MainStreet at Prior, was once home to a significant black community.Prior to the Hong Kong diaspora of the 1990s, the largest non-British ethnic groups in the city were Irish andGerman, followed by Scandinavian, Italian, Ukrainian and Chinese. From the mid-1950s until the 1980s,many Portuguese immigrants came to Vancouver and the city had the third-largest Portuguese population inCanada in 2001. Eastern Europeans began immigrating after the Soviet takeover of Eastern Europe afterWorld War II. Greek immigration increased in the late 1960s and early '70s, with most settling in theKitsilano area.
【題組】18 According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?
(A)Immigrants from around the world established Toronto as the most popular destination in Canada.
(B)There was a larger black population in Vancouver than in other Canadian major cities.
(C)The neighborhood of Strathcona was the center of the city’s Jewish community.
(D)Hogan’s Alley was once home to a significant black community.

六、圖二電路中 FA 代表一位元全加器,A = A3A2A1A0,B = B3B2B1B0 及 M 為電路的輸入, S = S3S2S1S0,C 及 V 為電路的輸出。請回答下列問題。

【題組】 ⑴請說明本電路的功能(說明各個信號 A, B, M, S, C,V 所代表的意義或功能)。(6 分)

一、二十一世紀以來,國際恐怖主義成為近二十年間相當嚴峻的新興非傳統 安全威脅。請說明:近年來國際恐怖主義活動的重要特徵,以及國際社 會/各國政府的主要對策為何?(25 分)

19. 船舶柴油主機操控系統中的檢測裝置,下列何者是主要檢測的項目?
(A) 氣缸的溫度與壓力
(B) 排氣溫度
(C) 冷卻水的溫度與流量
(D) 主機的轉速與轉向

三、Redacción:(15 分) Redacte un reportaje sobre la adicción a Internet en Taiwán con 150 palabras. 

1.下列何者為預測心血管疾病的重要指標? 