【非選題】 二、甲於民國(下同)96年間向乙承租 A 地,用以興建 B 屋及開闢環山道路
占有 A 地與 B 屋,雙方約定由甲墊付之 A 地開發費用中結算扣抵每年
租金若干。詎乙於105年將 A 地出售並移轉登記予丙,未通知甲關於乙
丙之買賣條件,丙復於106年讓售 A 地予丁且辦竣所有權移轉登記。甲
定請求確認其就 A 地有優先承買權存在,並請求法院分別命丁、丙應依
序塗銷所有權移轉登記,將 A 地回復登記為乙,同時命乙以出售 A 地予
丙之相同條件與甲訂立買賣契約,並移轉登記予甲所有。經查 B 屋於108
放棄優先承買權;丙稱既然 B 屋嗣遭拆除,甲之優先承買權即不復存在;
丁則謂其乃善意取得 A 地。問甲之主張是否有理?(35分)
5. An engineer designs an improved light bulb. The previous design had an
average lifetime of 1200 hours. The new bulb has a lifetime of 1201 hours,
using a sample of 2000 bulbs. Although the difference is quite small, the cffect
is statistically significant. The explanation is
(A)that new designs typically have more variability than standard designs.
(B) that the sample size is very large.
(C)that the mean of 1200 is large.
(D)all of the above.
25 Many teachers hope the new educational program will become a _______ fixture at the zoo, not just an
annual activity, so that their students could participate all the time.
(A) permanent (B) progressive (C) resistant (D) redundant