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二、某二維陣列 A,A(1,7) 位址為 1242,A(2,3) 位址為 1150,A(4,1) 位址為 1110:

【題組】 ⑵ A(5,5) 位址為何?(2 分)


【題組】 (一)說明何謂網路行銷?【5 分】

39. 下列有關危險貨物之裝卸與運載措施,何者錯誤?
(A)危險貨物裝卸作業時,白天應掛 紅旗,夜間應在桅頂顯示紅燈
(B)危險貨物裝卸作業時,所有消防設備均應處於立即可 用的良好狀態,並應嚴禁煙火
(C)危險貨物裝卸作業時,如發現包裝破裂、滲漏、外溢 等現像,應請理貨員協助檢查處理,必要時停止裝卸貨作業
(D)危險貨物裝卸作業時 ,如有閃電、大雨(雪)等現像時,不可停止裝卸貨作業以免影響船期   

19. 下列何者屬安全的行為?
(D)不適當之警告裝 置。


Dear NorthBay Employees and Physicians: 

Solano County Public Health Officer Dr. Bela Matyas will soon issue a mandate that all hospitals and healthcare facilities in Solano County must require their employees and volunteers to receive the annual influenza vaccination or wear a mask when working in patient care areas during flu season, Nov. 1 to March 31.

Because influenza affects 5 percent to 15 percent of the U.S. population every year, leading to an estimated 3.1 million days of hospitalization and 31.4 million outpatient visits, it is critically important that hospital employees take preventive measures to stay healthy and continue to provide critical healthcare services to the residents and visitors of Solano County. 26 Many hospitals in California have already made vaccination or masking a condition of employment. 

NorthBay Healthcare supports the county’s mandate and urges our employees and providers to receive a flu vaccine. 27  (See attachment.)

NorthBay Healthcare will issue stickers through Employee Health to managers to distribute to staff and volunteers who have received the vaccine. The stickers should be affixed to the employee’s badge, indicating that they do not need to wear a mask in patient areas. 28 

29  If employees decline vaccination they are required to sign a declination statement in lieu of vaccination. Although NorthBay Healthcare complies with state law, our vaccination rate for employees was 77 percent in 2014, woefully below the state goal of having 90 percent of all workers vaccinated. 30 EAttached to this memo is a list of Frequently Asked Questions with answers. This memo, the FAQ sheet and a list of employee vaccine clinics are available at www.NorthBay.org/fluFAQ

(A)State law requires that hospitals offer influenza vaccinations to employees. 

(B) There are still a number of vaccination clinics available.

(C)Influenza vaccination is a preventive measure that reduces serious disease from influenza infection and decreases worker absenteeism. 

(D)Those without stickers will be required to mask when interacting with a patient or working in a patient area.

(E) This mandate affects all staff; physicians, volunteers, even non-clinical staff if they are working or rounding in patient care areas


一、請說明道岔常見的轉轍方式有那些?為何在岔心的兩側,常有設置護軌的需求?(25 分)

(二)何謂非蛋白態氮(NPN)?為何反芻動物可利用 NPN?另請說明其使 用時之限制性。(5分)

13 如果某項根據淨現值法評估之 5 年期資本預算,原始投資額為$1,000,000,在沒有通貨膨脹之考量下,淨現 值為$10,000,故公司決定進行該項資本支出。然而如果預期未來通貨膨脹率每年達 5%,請問該項資本支出 是否仍會出現正的淨現值?
(C)因為不考慮通貨膨脹之投資報酬率僅為 1%,小於通貨膨脹率 5%,所以淨現值將變為負值

2. 下列哪種代謝活動與生物膜最不相關?
(C) DNA複製
