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II. Cloze test 20% (Choose the only ONE answer that best fits the context of each question below)
 The United States government is composed of three major sections. It is based on the Constitution of the United States of America that was __21__ in May, 1789. The three parts of the U.S. Government are the executive, legislative, and judicial branches. Each branch works independently __22__ the other two, and each has its own responsibilities. This system is __23__ to ensure that no branch can carry more power than the other. This is called the separation of powers,__24__ was written into the Constitution. The executive branch is the branch that most Americans are familiar __25__. It includes the president of the United States, the vice-president, and the cabinet. The president is the leader of the country and is the commander-in-chief of the U.S. military. The vice-president is second-in-command, and will __26__ president if the president dies, resigns, or is removed from office. The cabinet acts as agents of the U.S. President, and carry out the duties they are __27__ with. The legislative branch of government __28__ the House of Representatives, and the Senate. Together they form the congress, which can levy and collect taxes, mint money, and establish federal courts. It can also declare war, and raise and support the army, navy, and air force to protect the country. The House of Representatives has 435 members, and the Senate consists of 100 senators, __29__ two from each of the states. Any legislation, or new law, must be approved by both the House of Representatives and the Senate. The judicial branch is entrusted to apply the laws created by the legislative branch of government. It has the power to create lower courts under the Supreme Court of the United States. It works closely **30** state courts, although they are separate.

(A) which
(B) that
(C) with
(D) for

二、王同學罹患罕見疾病(平山症),於高一下發病(雙手無力顫抖),經輔導室轉介,請資源班教師 提供特教諮詢。身為資源班教師的您,將會如何協助?(5 分)


一、古典的宗教社會學者對宗教與社會變遷的關係有不同的看法,馬克思(Karl Marx) 認為宗教會阻礙社會的變遷,韋伯(Max Weber)則認為宗教可以是社會變遷的推 手,請分別論述兩位學者的觀點,並提出你自己的評論。(25 分)

三、箱籠擋土牆(gabion walls)適用的範圍為何?茲有高 2 m 的箱籠牆欲置於坡趾處, 請繪出其堆放的方式,並說明現場施作的步驟。(20 分)

17. 下列何者不是移動式機器人使用感測器的用途?
(D)增加移動式機器人移 動時的機動性(degree of maneuverability)。

6.下列关于名著的表述,不正确的一项是(  )

一、請試述下列名詞之意涵:(可用中文或英文作答,每小題 6 分,共 30 分)

【題組】(2)Ease to ten (rudder order)

60 Pak Ali baru sahaja ______bayi perempuan pada malam tahun baharu.
(A) dibeli
(B) dikurniakan
(C) diberi
(D) dicari