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40. During digestion, which chemical reaction that takes place involving breakdown with water is?
(A) Hydrolysis,
(B)_ Hydration,
(C) Hydro-oxidation,
(D) Expression.

1626. 秀水鄉戶政所位於秀水鄉
(C) 中山路。


【題組】D. Usage test of biocompatibility

4.  Consider a modified Solow growth model with long run technology progress.Specifically, the aggregate production function is
Y = F(K,bN)
where K is capital, b denotes the number of unit of "human capital", bN is the efficient unit of labor. Letting 8' denote the future human capital per worker, assume that b' = (1+ f)b, where f is the growth rate in human capital. Besides, the labor input N evolves according to N' = (1 + n)N, where N' is the future labor input, and n is the growth rate of N. The economy is closed, and the econony's saving rate is ixed and given by s. Capital's depreciation rate is given by d. Use I to denote investment

【題組】(d) Consider the case that the economy encounters a sudden increase of labor input due to immigration. Given the fixed growth rate n, what is the short and long run effect of this sudden increase in N on i? Assume that when the sudden increase happens, the economy is in its long run equilibrium.

105. 下列何者是好的電子郵件使用習慣?
(A)收到信件趕快打開或執行郵件中的 附檔
(D)不輕 易將自己的電子郵件位址公佈與網站中 。


【題組】 ⑶外籍人士涉案在偵查或審理中,依入出國及移民法得暫予收容之情形包括那些? (5 分)其目的為何?(5 分)

三、請說明內政部移民署人員依法執行查察逾期居停留、非法入出國、收容 或遣送職務時,得使用戒具及得使用武器之情形。(25 分)

15 近年來圖書館紛紛應用社群媒體行銷圖書館活動,下列那一服務不屬於社群媒體的應用?
(B) Google 720 度環景服務
(C) Line 官方帳號
(D) Instagram

29. 以下對於食品從業人員的健康管理何者正確
(B)食品從業人 員應每日注意健康狀況,遇有身體不適應避免接觸食品
(C)只要食材及環境衛生良好,即使人員感染上 食媒性疾病也不會污染食品

(D)漆成紅色的關渡大橋比較不會引起從橋上跳河自殺,主要是紅色給人較為積極正面的心理 感受