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3. 請列舉出至少兩種飲用水「消毒副產物」?說明其生成原因與機制,及我國目前 與未來在飲用水水質標準管制之項目為何?

一、試題說明: 木竹產業為我國傳統行業中最具特色的一個行業,然由於大環境的變遷,如何將傳 統技術與現代機械加工做有效的融合,是當今木竹行業最重要的課題之一。全世界 最有名氣也最具影響力的運動,莫過於德國包浩斯的技術落實與傳承,如何讓我國 的木竹工藝設計與技術得以耀眼於國際,首要重點發展即朝「少量、多樣、美感、 藝術、工藝,以及客製化的發展」導向,來發展出國際應有的木竹工藝暨實用產品 競爭力,繼而提升我國在國際產品設計被尊重與肯定的地位,在邁向 2020 年全世界 商品無國界的未來,能有向前邁進的一股大動力。基此;延伸本「木竹珠寶盒設計 製作」之主題。
 ⑴請以試題所提供之木竹材料與自備工具及考場提供設備等,將本試題已繪製完成 之「木工工作圖」及應考人「自行設計竹材放樣」之珠寶盒,依實際尺寸 1:1 圖 之結構,於規定時程內製作完成「木竹珠寶盒製作」 。 
 ⑵請依試題所提供之木竹材料,以鉛筆及製圖相關工具等,依試題所提供「木竹材 料之珠寶盒」 ,以 1:1 放樣正確尺寸至材料上,並開列材料單。且用自備手工具 完成本試題之木竹珠寶盒設計製作。 
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 ⑴評量之關鍵概念:本試題評量內容分 1.主要尺寸、2.次要尺寸、3.內部榫接、 4.外部榫接、5.繪圖放樣、6.活動部分、7.外觀整潔、8.完整正確等項目。 
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My teenage son Karl became withdrawn  after his father died . As a single parent . I tried to do my best to talk to him . But the more I tried , the more he pulled away . When his report card arrived during his junior year , it said that he had been absent 95 times from classes and had six falling grades for the year . At this rate he would never graduate . I sent him to the school adviser , and I even begged him . Nothing worked .
One night I felt so powerless that I got down on my knees and pleaded for help . “Please God ,I can’t do anything more for my son .  I’m at the end of my rope . I’m giving the whole thing up to you .”
I was at work when I got a phone call . A man introduced himself as the headmaster . “I want to talk to you about Karl’s absences .” Before he could say another word , I choked up and all my disappointment and sadness over Karl came pouring out into the ears of this stranger . “I  love my son but I just don’t know what to do . I’ve tried everything to get Karl to go back to school and nothing has worked . It’s out of my hands . “For a moment there was silence on the other end of the line . The headmaster seriously said , “Thank you for your time”, and hung up .
Karl’s next report card showed a marked improvement in his grades . Finally , he even made the honor roll .In his fourth year , I attended a parent-teacher meeting with Karl . I noticed that his teachers were astonished at the way he had turned himself around . On our way home , he said , “Mum, remember that call from the headmaster last year ?” I nodded . “That was me . I thought I’d play a joke but when I heard what you said , it really hit me how much I was hurting you . That’s when I knew I had to make you proud .”

【題組】56.By saying “Karl became withdrawn”, the author means that the boy changed entirely and .
(A).preferred to stay alone at home
(B).lost interest in his studies
(C).refused to talk to others
(D).began to dislike his mother

一、甲乙婚後育有一子丁,乙因生產不幸死亡。乙之妹丙為能照顧丁,雖與男友己生下 戊,但並未結婚。數年後甲向丙求婚,承諾婚後收養戊為養子,同時亦將丁由丙收 養。己心生不滿,遂向法院主張該婚姻及收養無效。有理否?(25 分)

ေအာက်ပါအေ ကာင်းေတွကိသံးသပ် ပီး ဖိ တ် ကားစာတစ်ေစာင်ကိ ေရးဖွဲပါ။ ပညာေရးဝန် ကီးဌာန၊ ြမန်မာ င် ိ ငပ ံ ညာေရး သေတသနအဖွဲ ဥက က ၂၀၀၉ခ၊ ဩဂတ်လ ၁၂ရက်ေန ့ ရက်စဲပ ွ ါ စာအမတ် ၁၆၃၂/ ပေရာဂျက်(၈)၇၂ ြဖင့် ြပည်ေထာင်စ တိင်းရင်းသားများအတွက် ြမန်မာစာ သင် ကားနည်းဆိင်ရာ သေတသန လပ်ငန်းေဆာင်ရွက်ေရး အစည်းအေဝးတစ်ရပ်ကိ ၂၀၀၉ခ၊ ဩဂတ်လ ၁၅ရက် ၁၄၀၀ နာရီတွင် ပညာေရးသေတသနအဖွဲ စည်းေဝးခန်းမ၌ ကျင်းပမည်ြဖစ်ေ ကာင်း၊ ကွငး် ဆင်းမည့် အစီအစဥ်ကိ ညိ င ိ း် ရန် င့် ြပ စ ပီး ြမန်မာဖတ်စာကိ ေဝဖန်စိစစ်ရန် အစီအစဥ် ိေ ကာင်း ေဖာ်ြပသည်။ ဥက ကိယ်စား ပညာေရးသေတသန အရာ ိ ဦးြမဝင်းက လက်မတ်ေရးထိး၍ ဖိတ် ကားသည်။

29. 陶瓷纖維耐火棉之結晶開始溫度為

三、請說明「醫療機構執行感染控制措施及查核辦法」主管機關查核醫療機構執行之範 圍及頻率為何?(10 分)