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179. Place the Relations on their corresponding Implementation Structures. Note Not all Implementation Structures will be used.60c82399836be.jpg

二、汽車材料的未來發展趨勢為何?(15 分)

110. 在下列的敘述中,如果正確請選擇[是],不正確請選擇[否],每答對一個項目可以得到一分。
【題組】(3) BitLocker to Go 可以在 Windows 8.1 和 Windows10 運作
(A) 是
(B) 否

42 題至第 45 題:
         During courtships, young couples tend to neglect differences that in the long run will bring disharmony or even ruin to their marriages. These differences can __42__ trivialities such as the way one squeezes toothpaste out of a tube to more vital issues like budgeting for familial expenses. And today, more and more couples have __43__ clinical psychologists for advice on their different attitudes toward housekeeping when quite a few marriages are actually wrecked because of this neat-messy issue. An old friend of mine happened to be a __44__ of it. She kept stray dogs attracting hosts of flies, scattered things around the house, left the front yard unattended, etc., __45__ her ex-husband deeply resented all these. She and her ex-husband had been seeing marriage counselors for years before they finally got divorced. So, roadblocks to a happy marriage? Well, they can be anything you can think of.


57. 正投影之條件為
(D)投影線相 互平行傾斜投影面。


【題組】3. Pain behaviors

一、一鋼筋混凝土矩形斷面梁,梁寬 b = 30 cm ,總深 h = 60 cm ,有效深度 d = 54 cm ,其 內配置#3@20cm 之垂直單圈剪力箍筋,及配置一層 4-#8 之拉力鋼筋。 #3,db= 0.953cm, Ab = 0.713cm 2 。 #8, d b = 2.54cm, Ab = 5.07 cm 2 ) 

【題組】 ⑸此斷面如受到VD = 8 tf 之使用靜載重剪力及VL = 9 tf 之使用活載重剪力,試檢 核此斷面安全否?(10 分)

22. 運動教練實施運動選手間歇訓練,請問間歇訓練 1:1 所指為何?
(A) 練習一天與休息一天
(B) 練習一周與休息一周
(C) 練習時間與休息時間
(D) 休息時間與恢復時間

三、請從政府與社會應變能力、緊急應變能力(預見能力與反應能力)角度,並以我國 莫拉克風災應變與重建為例,論述我國未來可以如何從自助、互助與公助平台提升 災害防救工作?(25 分)