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二、一齒輪機構由機架(機件 1)、主動齒輪(機件 2)與被動齒輪(機件 3) 所組成,且兩齒輪皆為漸開線正齒輪。請針對下列各子題依序進行作答:


(一)請說明此齒輪機構的三個速度瞬心636892825e8ce.jpg分別位於何處。(15 分)

四、污水廠某日 1 噸調勻池中測得水質 pH = 5.0,需要調整至 pH = 7.0,以 免對後方生物單元造成劇烈衝擊。請計算需添加多少體積的 0.01 M 氫氧 化鈉(假設忽略水中其他緩衝鹽類的影響)?(25 分)


其中,Q為需求,F為運價,T為旅行時間,a、b、c為參數。 試求:


一、解釋下列名詞:(每小題 4 分,共 20 分)

【題組】 ⑸ technical concentrate

第四題: 某甲設定其住所於新北市,名下有 F 地一筆座落於澎湖縣,甲發現其堂兄乙(住所設於 台中市)偽造土地買賣及移轉相關文件,已將 F 地移轉登記於乙之名下。甲遂以乙為被告, 向台中地方法院起訴,主張甲仍為 F 地之真正所有權人,請求法院判命被告乙塗銷 F 地之所 有權移轉登記。請問,台中地方法院是否有管轄權?請述明理由。該法院需要為如何之處置? 【30 分】

ㄧ、某捷運路線全長 17 公里,列車平均車速 34KPH,兩端點站折返各需時 90 秒。若需以 3 分 鐘班距運行,請問至少需幾列車上線運轉?(30 分)

三、Mr. A, a R.O.C. national, made a will in the year of 2000 at some attorney-atlaw office while lived at his Hong Kong temporary (non-habitual) residence. In his will, he stipulated that when he passes away, his real property located in Taiwan will be delivered as a gift to Mr. B, a Hong Kong national. No applicable law provisions in the will. Mr. A died at Hong Kong in 2008, and in 2012 his legal heirs brought civil litigation at the R.O.C. court against Mr. B arguing that the respective will Mr. A made in Hong Kong is void, due to its lack of required formalities. Please answer the following questions based upon above facts:

【題組】(二) Explain which law shall be applied in terms of choice of law rules(10 points), and if there is any possibility a renvoi rule could be applied in the adjudicated case.(5 points)


4. Applications of ferrous alloys (9%):
61270c9a0b547.jpg61270cc5e6ca6.jpgWith the aid of a stable phase diagram and a metastable phase diagram shown above, answer the following questions:

【題組】(a) Discuss the typical carbon concentration ranges (in wt%) for (i) steels, (ii) stainless steels, and (iii) cast iron. (3%)
