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Problem 7
A chemical engineer designs a continuous unit for separating a liquid feed with a flow rate of 200 kg/min. The compositions (in weight percentage, wt%) of the feed are constant with time: 50.0 wt% of Component A, 48.0 wt% of Component B, 1.5 wt% of Component C and 0.5 wt% of other traceable components (denoted as Component D). A fractionation distillation column is employed for this separation, and the target composition of the overhead product, as collected by a total condenser, is 95 mol% of Component 'A and the target composition of the bottom product is 95 mol% of
Component B.
The molecular masses of Component A, B and C are 100 g/mol, 150 g/mol and 32 g/mol, respectively. Component D is mainly CH2O with an estimated molecular mass of 30 g/mol. Knowing that Component C and Component D are relatively more volatile than Component A and B, the engineer chooses to use a flash distillation to completely remove Component C and D prior to the fractionation distillation column. The equilibrium data, based on a binary system of Component A and Component B, are
summarized in a record book, showing the temperatures of bubble points are 120 ℃,110 ℃, 100℃, 90℃, 85 ℃ and 80 ℃ when the molar fractions of A (xA) are 0, 0.2,0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1.0, respectively. The temperatures of dew points are 120 ℃, 115 ℃,110 ℃, 100 ℃, 95 ℃ and 80 ℃ when the molar fractions of A (xA) are 0, 0.2,0.4, 0.6,0.8 and 1.0, respectively.
Please provide your answers to the followings:
(c) Continued on (b): Due to the demand from the customer, the chemical engineer further increases the targeted molar concentration of the Component A to be 98% in the overhead product by increasing the reflux ratio. The target composition in the bottom product is the same (i.e., 95 mol% of Component B).

【題組】 (2) What are the production rates of the overhead and bottom products after the tuning to the new reflux ratio ?

13. 矩形斷面梁,已知梁內最大剪力為 V,其最大橫向剪應力發生在矩形斷面之何處?
(D) 4 個角隅處

11. 下列何者不是微噴灑灌溉之特點?
(D)操作壓力 低。

三、何謂 RGB(Red, Green, Blue)、CMYK(Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black)、HSI(Hue, Saturation, Intensity)色彩模型?(10 分)試分別說明其在製圖過程中之用途。(10 分)

30 電動車電池多屬直流高壓,而控制系統所採用之單晶片數位信號處理系統常需低電壓電源,試簡述電動車 DC/DC 轉換器之目的與功能。


【題組】 ⑵請依照咬合蠟堤所提供的訊息,選擇出適合病患之上下顎共 28 顆人工樹脂牙齒 排列於蠟堤上,並完成全口 28 顆活動義齒排列。

二、建築設計部分: ⑴尊重生態環境與保存歷史文化,已經是廿一世紀的建築師的專業責任了,建築設 計正是表現建築師對這方面的知識、專業、以至於做為一個專業者的基本素養。 以下的題目是台灣社會中的真實基地,但是為了做為考題,我們加入了一些假設 條件,為的是測試應考者對環境的敏感度與相應的建築設計能力。 在前述的建築計畫書的基礎上,今要求建築師提供一能表達構想,與業主能溝通 的「建築設計構想圖」(schematic design)。 ⑵試繪建築設計構想圖(基地面積及比例尺可自訂,未提供之測繪圖可假設與已經 提供之圖面類似),此設計圖須包括下列各項:(70 分)


29 神經功能退化所導致的聽覺老化現象,造成的影響中,下列何者錯誤?
(B)對語音在時序(temporal processing)面向的處理困難

三、法務部矯正署於 106 年 6 月推動自主監外作業,請說明何謂自主監外作 業?其法源依據為何?該制度與監獄行刑法第 26 條之 2 日間外出制度 在外出目的、對象遴選、在外期間性質與是否戒護等,有何異同?請分 別說明之。(25 分)