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題目一: 現代建築仰賴許多建築設備,請回答下列問題:



5.Consider a control system with the following loop transfer function


(b) Suppose that the Nyquist plot ( K >0) you obtained in part (a) is depicted in Fig. 2, where the
solid line is part of the Nyquist plot when ω is from ∞ ⁺ to 0⁺, and it has an intersection with axis
-Re(L(s)) at -K.
Using Nyquist criterion, determine the range of K > 0 such that the closed-loop system can be stabilized.
If the system is unstable due to the range of K, find the number of closed-loop pole(s) in the right-half of

17 Article 26, para. 1 of Taiwan Patent Law provides, “The description shall fully disclose the invention in a manner clear and sufficient for it to be understood and carried out by a person ordinary skilled in the art.” Which requirement is contained in this provision?
(A) Enablement
(B) Inventive step
(C) Novelty
(D) Nonobviousness

For problems 32 to 35, please consider a graph with /VI vertices and |E] edges, to which the Dijkstra algorithm is applied to find the shortest path. Assume |E| is both O(|V|2) and Ω(|V|).


33. If Dijkstra algorithm is implemented with Fibonacci heap as priority queue, then the complexity is
(A) O(|V|2+|E| log |V|)
(B) O(|V|2)
(C) O(|E| log|V|)
(D) O(|E|+I|V| log(|V|)
(E) O(|E|)

32 因應 COVID-19 疫情,醫療人員進行呼吸道檢體採集時,應有完善的個人防護裝備,請問這 些裝備不包括下列那項?
(A) N95 等級以上口罩

5.某农场面积为140hm2,农场丰富的植物资源为黑线姬鼠提供了很好的生存条件,鼠大量繁殖吸引鹰来捕食,某研究小组采用标志重捕法来研究黑线姬鼠的种群密度,第一次捕获100只,标记后全部放掉,第二次捕获280只,发现其中有 两只带有标记,下列叙述错误的是( )   

三、請說明下列分生技術的原理與應用:(每小題 4 分,共 20 分)

【題組】⑷ Adeno-associated virus

三、為因應氣候變遷之調適,各國也需積極要求海運業配合淨零排碳之政策。 請說明:


8. _____ my way home, I met my teacher.
(A) On
(B) In
(C) By
(D) For

▲ 閱讀下文,回答第 23 - 25 題
小鄭是雙薪家庭,有一個念國中的孩子小明,每個週末假日是買菜、買水果的日子。他 們買了糙米、芋頭、馬鈴薯、香腸火腿等肉類、豆製品、海鮮、蛋及各式蔬菜水果。一 週一次的採買,把冰箱塞得滿滿滿。星期日他們會邀請爺爺奶奶一起來用餐,面對青春期的小明、有腎臟病的爺爺和有糖尿病的奶奶,小鄭夫妻備餐總是格外謹慎,而每週日 他們總是可以享受美食並共享天倫之樂。

【題組】24. 針對小鄭家採購食物的後續作法與注意事項,下列敘述何者正確?
(A) 只要冰箱冷度夠,塞得滿滿滿,完全沒問題
(B) 海鮮類應注意保鮮,否則容易造成腸炎弧菌中毒
(C) 香腸火腿等肉類,都是優質蛋白質,多吃無妨
(D) 豆製品應挑選顏色愈白愈好,且放在室溫保存即可