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 The Assessment Reform Group--a group dedicated to ensuring that assessment policy and practice are informed by research evidenceㅡacknowledged the power that assessment had to influence learning, both for good and for ill, and proposed seven precepts that summarized the characteristics of assessment that promotes learning:
 1. It is embedded in a view of teaching and learning of which it is an essential part;
2. It involves sharing learning goals with pupils;
 3. It aims to help pupils to know and to recognize the standards they are aiming for;
4. It involves pupils in self-assessment;
 5. It provides feedback which leads to pupils recognizing their next steps and how to take them;
6. It is underpinned by confidence that every student can improve;
7. It involves both teacher and pupils reviewing and reflecting on assessment data (Broadfoot et al., 1999, p. 7).

23. 程式執行時,程式中的變數值是存放在
(A) 記憶體
(B) 硬碟
(C) 輸出入裝置
(D) 匯流排

二、就近年所見高病原性家禽流行病感冒(Highly pathogenic avianinfluenza)的爆發與流行,說明其可 能的原因與防治方法,並敘述造成這類流感病毒變異 的兩種機制。(50%)

一、請試述側滑試驗器之操作使用方法。(20 分)

49 1919年爲了反對外國人侵犯中國山東權益而引發了下列那一運動?


一、請依據「人口販運防制法」之規定,說明「人口販運」及「人口販運罪」 之意義內涵各為何?又請依同法說明「法務主管機關」及「勞動主管機 關」在人口販運查緝之權責劃分事項各為何?(25 分)

▲閱讀下文,回答第 46-50 題
        Quite a few pet owners say that they are able to communicate with their beloved animals by looking at their body language signals. This claim is not surprising to animal scientists due to the fact that they have discovered that animals can communicate not just between themselves but with humans as well.
        Here are some interesting findings on the secret languages of animals. It’s commonly known that a dog usually wags its tail to show its happiness and excitement. But do you know that when a dog’s tail moves more to the left, it implies negative feelings like anger and disappointment? Another amazing finding is that the average dog can understand about 160 words in total and therefore can physically respond to their owners’ directions. Interestingly, cats use their eyes to communicate. They blink slowly when they feel totally comfortable with the people around them. Rabbits like to grind their teeth to show they are enjoying themselves and feel comfortable. Some pet birds rapidly enlarge or shrink the pupils in their eyes to help their owners to get an accurate emotional reading. In the world of hamsters, yawning does not convey a message of being tired. Hamsters actually yawn to indicate that they are feeling quite content and peaceful at the moment.
       Do you have trouble communicating with your pets? Instead of shaking your head in frustration because you do not know what your pets want to express, try to understand the true meaning behind their behaviors.

【題組】50. Which of the following inferences can be drawn from the passage?
(A) Humans should train their pets to listen and follow the order they give.
(B) The messages animals try to convey are usually easy to see and understand.
(C) Understanding the body language of animals helps to communicate with them.
(D) Animals can be trained to communicate with humans by using their body movement.

4 依據民國 112 年入出國及移民法修正條文之規定,增加律師可執行之業務,不包括那一項業務?

37. The town held a parade in _____ of its rich harvest this year.
(A) absolution
(B) description
(C) celebration
(D) information