6. Which of the following statements are true?
(A) Given the characteristic equation 3s2+ 5s+k = 0 of a linear control system, increasing the value of k will decrease the frequency of oscillation of the system.
(B) can be approximated by since the pole at -20 is much larger
than the dominant poles at O and -1.
(C) For a stable open-loop system with a perfect model P(s), it is always possible to have a stable and causal
feedforward controller F(s) such that P(s)F(s) = 1.
(D) The maximum overshoot of is possibly exceed 100 percent when and T
are all positive.
(E) If a unity-feedback control system type is 2, then it is certain that the steady-state error of the system
to a step or a ramp input will be zero.
17 下表為兩家廠商在短期的生產與成本資料,下列敘述何者正確?
(A)A 廠商的固定成本比 B 廠商高
(B)產量小於 3 時,A 廠商的平均成本都比 B 廠商高
(C)對應每一個產量,A 廠商的邊際成本都比 B 廠商高
(D)A 廠商在整個產量範圍中,平均成本隨產量增加而遞減
1. 請自下方答案欄中,選出底下 1 至 5 題合理答案代號,填入題後空格中。