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三、甲為年滿二十歲之大學生,因新青安貸款之利息優惠,而向 A 銀行借款三百萬購買五百萬之預售屋。A 銀行以甲身分為學生,故要求其以父親做為共同借款人。試問 A 銀行要求共同借款人是否有違反銀行法之規定?(25 分)


3. (7%) (8%) Let X = Rcosθ and Y a Rsin θ, where R is a positive random variable on (0,∞), θ is a uniform random variable on (0, 2π), and R and θ are mutually independent. Derive the corresponding distributions of X/Y and 2XY/61691d7cb8f26.jpg

第二題: 某三相感應電動機接於有效電壓值為 110V,頻率 60Hz 的交流電源,測得消耗功率為 240W,功率因 數為 0.6 滯後,欲將功率因數提高至 0.8 滯後,請回答下列問題:

【題組】(二)負載應並聯多少的電容器?【5 分】

一「語言」此一概念,無論在理論上作為認知與表達、身份與認同、歷史與政治的一環;或是在實踐上與教學、溝 通、展演、傳播等方法密切相關,都顯示了語言與社會文化密切的關係請就你所認知的華語/漢語/國語/普通話/中文等(或其他相關的意符與意旨),就文化研究(Cultural Studics)所關注的任何一項角或議題,提出你對兩者 相關性的討論.(30%)

19. 學校運動會要到了,體育老師以「運動會」為專題,並邀請國語、數學、社會等科目老師,一起進行跨學科的教學活動,此種設計符合課綱中的何種原 則?


【題組】 (二)經費.時間都不夠,所以只去了宮城.岩手.青森三個地方就回來了

二、閱讀測驗:下面三篇短文共有 15 題,每篇各有 5 題,為第 16 – 30 題,請閱讀短文後,選出最適當的答案。
▲ 閱讀下文,回答第 16 − 20 題
      Meet the People’s Company. Like a democracy, it can be a noisy place where citizens
sometimes think the people in charge have no idea what they’re doing. But at eBay, the online
auction site, the people are in charge. Its customers – the 70 million buyers and sellers who trade
here – have the kind of influence that most consumers and businesses can only dream of. It’s
true, eBay has a business model that doesn’t require carrying any inventory. But the real secret
of eBay’s unlikely success is this: it’s a master at capturing the awesome communication power
of the Internet and tracking customers’ every movement, so new products and services are
tailored to just what they want. (   ①    )
      eBay’s customers are its product development, market research, merchandising, and sales
department – all rolled into one. It’s not just that they have made eBay into a global marketplace
for almost anything, from a $1 baseball card to a $4.9m Gulfstream jet, eBay’s customers also
tell the world about eBay by word of mouth. (   ②    ) They crowd online discussion boards, share
tips, point out problems, and lobby for changes. eBay’s customers even police the site by rating
each other. Imagine a retailer trying to do this: interview every single person leaving every store,
post a list of what each thought of the shopping experience, ask them to write up a merchandising
plan and call suppliers to arrange deliveries – and oh, by the way, could they keep an eye out for
shoplifting? That’s what eBay’s customers voluntarily do each day.
      Back in 1995, when Pierre Omidyar unveiled Auction Web, he had much more in mind
than simply helping his girlfriend trade Pez dispensers. He aimed to create a market for a wide
range of goods, but with a difference. “I wanted to give the power of the market back to
individuals,” says Omidyar. But his biggest breakthrough was the Feedback Forum, a rating
system that made it easy for buyers and sellers to grade each transaction. Amazingly, it worked.
And positive ratings, which translated to more sales, kept people from going to other sites.
      (   ③   ) Since early 1999, eBay has regularly flown sellers and buyers to its headquarters in
California to interview them, asking for their views on new features and policies. The result: fewer
problems. Even when something does go wrong, eBay can respond quickly.
eBay business is the company’s latest offering, a new site providing businesses with an
e-commerce platform. (    ④    ) However, many rivals aim to be the biggest places for e-commerce
as well, and some are making fast progress. But there’s a bigger question: can eBay’s values
survive such grand ambitions? Omidyar worries that the growing participation of large
commercial sellers could dilute eBay’s unique culture. eBay’s people power makes building a
business simple compared with everything conventional companies must do. Keeping in touch
with all those customers from here on won’t be easy.

【題組】19. What is the main secret to eBay’s success?
(A) cutting the inventory cost
(B) cooperating with its major rivals
(C) hiring its customers to safeguard its site
(D) giving the power of the market back to individuals

1.氨氣通過熾熱的氧化銅(Ⅱ)其產物為氮氣、銅和水。若 17g 的 NH3 和 95.4g 的
CuO 反應,可生成若干重量的 N2?(Cu = 63.5 amu;N = 14 amu;O=16amu)