三、申論題(共 1 題,共計 30 分)
學者 Pourtaleb 等人(Educational Psychology in Practice, 34: 386–396,
2018)主張可以採用整合訓練方案(Integrated Training Programme,
「可行」的實驗設計,來檢視 ITP 是否能有效地降低國中學生考試焦
Test anxiety is one of the most pressing educational issues affecting
students across the world(Yeo, Goh, & Liem, 2016). This problem is a
relatively stable trait that is associated with performance evaluation in
several test-related situations, such as school exams and IQ tests(Lang &
Lang, 2010). Test anxiety is subsumed under severe anxieties and can
contribute to avoidance behaviors. ……. In sum, cumulative evidence has
indicated an increasing trend of test anxiety, which has resulted in the rates
of underachievement being raised in students(Baghaei & Cassady, 2014).
Gender differences have also been observed in several studies, with the
prevalence rate being particularly highest in girls(Baghaei & Cassady,
Few studies have evaluated the role of parents’
perfectionism(Affrunti et al., 2015), and mothers’ perfectionism(Samiei
Sarkhanlou et al., 2015) on children’s anxiety. …… In other words, the
mediating effect of perfectionism on the treatment function of test anxiety
has been documented, leading to the assumption that parents’ perfectionism
has, in some way, interfered with the treatment function of test anxiety. Behavioral methods, such as relaxation and systematic desensitization,
have been utilized in initial studies on test anxiety. Given that test anxiety
involves cognition, emotion, and affection, and contains biological and
physiological elements, it seems legitimate to conduct integrated training
methods for treatments of test anxiety.