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題目七:【10分】 如何辨識新台幣1000元的真假及防偽技術至少10種辨識方法)。

一、甲銀行為 A 金融控股股份有限公司(以下稱 A 公司)之銀行子公司,而 A 公司之董事張先生擔任「藍海公司」之總經 理。今「藍海公司」擬向甲銀行申辦企業週轉金貸款新臺幣 2,000 萬元,請依銀行法、金融控股公司法及主管機關函 釋規定,回答下列問題並簡要說明理由:

【題組】(二)甲銀行如對藍海公司為擔保授信,依銀行法規定,其授信條件有何限制?如授信條件達中央主管機關規定金額以上, 應由何層級以何種表決比例同意後始能貸放?【3 分】


1. Predict the products of the following reactions from 1-methylcyclohexene, showing both regiochemistry (orientation) and stereochemistry where appropriate:(每小題3分共15分)



The federal government is about to take a larger role in protecting airline passengers, starting with a new rule allowing travelers to get off a plane stuck on the tarmac* for more than three hours. That rule, which passenger advocates have long wanted, and others adopted by the Transportation Department signal a shift from a grass-roots fight for passenger rights to an era of stronger government-enforced consumer protections. The rules, officially labeled Enhancing Airline Passenger Protections, take effect April 29. Although tarmac delays of three or more hours are increasingly rare, they still occur and leave misery in their wake, as a diverted Virgin America flight* demonstrated on March 13, when passengers were stuck on a plane for more than four hours at Stewart International Airport in Newburgh/New Windsor, N.Y. Other policies may affect far more travelers, including one that requires more disclosure about airline delays before a ticket purchase so customers can avoid flights that perform poorly. That marketplace pressure could provide an incentive for the industry to address the causes of delays. 【註:*tarmac - 停機坪;*Virgin America flight - 維珍美國航空】 (資料來源:http://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/23/business/23delays.html)

一、甲、乙二人共同在某民宅經營職業賭場,某日有民眾向管區分局檢舉有人聚 賭,分局刑事組偵查員丙據報前往取締,當丙進入該賭場後,未表明身分 即持槍大聲喊「不要動!」甲以為是黑道兄弟前來黑吃黑,立即叫乙取出 預藏之手槍,由甲開槍向丙射擊,導致丙當場死亡,甲迅速逃逸,乙被趕 至現場之員警當場逮捕。數日後,甲在外地被刑事組偵查員丁、戊二人發 現,丁、戊立即展開圍捕,在逮捕之際,二人見甲係殺警惡徒,一人一拳 重打甲,導致甲因傷重死亡。請問:甲、乙、丁、戊之行為應如何處斷? 並說明彼等可否主張正當防衛權?

16 Which of the following statements is incorrect?
(A) Where a patentee establishes multiple pledges on the same patent for the purpose of securing multiple creditors’ rights, the ranks of these pledges shall be determined according to the order of their recordation.
(B) Where a patent right is jointly owned, all joint owners must consent in order to abandon the patent right.
(C) Where a patent right is jointly owned, a joint owner may abandon his share only with the consent of all other joint owners.
(D) Where a patent right has been pledged, the patentee may abandon the patent right only with the consent of the pledgee.

57. 道教廟宇的進出習慣是左進右出和下列何者有關
