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(A)收紙時理紙 器位置動作時間不對
(C)收紙咬爪開放時間太 早


三、臨床上病人常主訴腹痛,請依您工作場域中常見的族群舉例說明此病人腹痛時,您如何進行身體評估 資料收集內容,包括說明:(25%)


16. 下列何者正確?

8.(5 pts) Which one(s) of the following statements are correct?(全對才給分)

【題組】(3) Vector instructions could be beneficial to applications with good data-level parallelism.

請依下文回答第 11 題至第 15 題
       The British government has said that a third of the food the world produces is wasted. It said the high level of food waste in the UK is__ 11__ . Over 7 million tons of food is wasted in the UK every year. A British politician, Neil Parish, said: “One-third of food produced for human __12__ is lost or wasted globally.” The government said there were many__ 13__ to the problem of food waste. First, schools could__ 14__ children’s awareness of food waste from a young age. Secondly, supermarkets could sell vegetables that are thrown away because they are the “wrong” shape. Finally, “sell-by” dates, “use-by” dates and “best before” labels need to change. Perfectly good food is thrown away because of these labels. Neil Parish added that: “Environmentally, it is a disaster, because energy and resources are wasted in production, only for the food to __15__ rotting in landfills where it produces methane--a potent climate-changing gas.”

(A) consumption
(B) digestion
(C) vegetation
(D) habitation

2. 張氏夫婦想為兩位就讀國小的女兒準備出國留學資金,下列建議何者不適當:

五、某總噸 8,000 噸,船長 130 公尺,單俥右旋螺槳水泥專用船於西 12B 碼頭卸完貨後 欲開船,試問應如何使用一艘拖船引領該輪出港?當時風向西南,風力五級。西 14 號碼頭砂石船船艏伸出船席五公尺。(15 分)

三、甲某日在一參與人數多達數百人的通訊軟體對話群組當中,傳送有關乙之不實性愛影像,並在傳送完十分鐘內,確認已有多人讀取該訊息之後, 收回該影像訊息。乙並未參與該群組,但經友人告知有此事後,憤而向 檢察官提告,並檢具友人截圖保留的訊息影像之電磁紀錄檔案作為證據。檢察官隨後傳喚甲到場說明,甲否認犯罪,且同意由檢察官開啟並 查閱甲之手機內容,但檢察官已經完全無法找到該張有關乙的不實性愛影像,甲也早已經完全刪除當日傳送訊息之內容。檢察官隨後以乙所提 供友人保留訊息影像的截圖電磁紀錄檔案作為證據之一,將甲起訴。試問該電磁紀錄檔案得否作為法院判斷之依據?(25 分)

2. Which is not a characteristic of exponential smoothing?
(A) smoothes random variations in the data
(B)) weights each historical value equally
(C)has an easily altered weighting scheme
(D) has minimal data storage requirements
(E) smoothes real variations in the data