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第四題: 請回答下列關於 ASP.NET 之問題:


【題組】 (一)ASP.NET 常用於顯示資料的 GridView 元件,如要達到隔列顏色不同的效果(如 下圖),可使用 GridView 中的哪個樣式屬性?【3 分】

(D) 以上皆是。

1. (35% in total)
         Consider this situation which could become real in the near future: We have a number of predetermined(事先決定的)Iocationsfrom which 5G signals will be emitted (發射) by using air- borne autono mous drones(空中無人機).Of course,we wish to cover the entire area with 5G. There are a number of companies manufacturing various drone models. These drone models have different weight-lifting(載重) capabilities, which means they can carry different 5G equipment into the air to cover a different area size.Naturally, if a drone model can carry more weight, it is also more expensive to purchase. Moreover, for those predetermined locations to emit 5G signals, each of them can only deploy some of the drone models due to various reasons/considerations (that is, a drone model that is OK for one location may not be OK for another location). 
In the following, we will try to develop a mixed-integer programming (MIP) model for the above problem. Our objective is to determine a specific drone model for each location with the lowest total costs, while making sure 5G signals will cover the entire area. Let us first define subscripts (下標)for this MIP model.
61e4cb8fb1544.jpgIn the   In the following, we will develop this MIP model onc equation at a time. **Please note**:

We will only use the above already defined subscripts, sets, parameters, and decision variables.' In

other words,“在模型中禁止使用任何自行定義的符號,無論是下標、參數、決策變數等”

**Please also note**: We only want to develop a lincar MIP model(必需是線性 MIP模型).

First, since each location must bave a drone model (which is OK for that location) to send 5G

signals, we obviously will need this constraint in the model: 61e4cbf84f22a.jpg locations .

ie drenes

【題組】Question 1.1 (10%) 
Next, the drone model chosen for each location will determine that location's effective 5G- covering area. Shown in the following figure, if drone model 61e4cc8c52baa.jpg is chosen for location m , then Dm will equal radiusi ; but if a different drone model in dronesm  is chosen, Dm could have a different value. For each location m in the locations set, please develop an equation to determine the real value of Dm.

一、請闡述今年衛生福利部提出菸害防制法修正草案有那些重點?其中有那些重點與反菸團體意見有較大差異?並請說明您對此修正草案的立 場。 (25 分)

第三題: 位於台南的 T 公司在去(104)年自美國接獲訂單一筆,雙方約定交易條件為 CIP L.A. 且是以信用狀進行付款。但就在今年(105)二月 T 公司準備交貨前夕,因台南發生大地震, 致使其該批貨物全毀,而無法如期交貨。請回答下列問題,並說明其理由:

【題組】(三) T 公司針對類似情況應如何進行風險管理?【10 分】

四、當一架飛機的俯仰力矩係數(Pitching moment coefficient, Cm)與飛機的升力係數 (CL)及升降舵(Elevator)角度(δ e , deg)的關係式為: Cm = 0.06-0.15CL +0.02δ e 請回答下列問題:

【題組】⑵此飛機的Static Margin 為何?繪圖並計算此飛機的中性點(Neutral point, Xnp)與 飛機重心(Center of gravity, Xcg)的關係位置圖。(5 分)

18.You are my teacher, I am your _______.
(A) colleague
(B) mentor
(C) superior
(D) student

44 目前臺灣應用於全面新生兒聽力篩檢的工具最主要的是:
(C) aABR(automated ABR)
(D) tABR(threshold ABR)

(C)工 作要求

86. 環保單位對違反環境清潔行為者,應由誰負責查報、勸導或告發
(B) 稽查大隊稽查人員;各區清潔隊隊長、分隊長、巡查員
(C) 清潔隊隊員
(D) 以上皆是。