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6. 下列何者不是回教徒的行為?
(A) 伊斯蘭教徒虔誠的禮拜
(B) 到清真寺禮拜
(C) 食用死去的動物和飲用牠們的血液
(D) 視真主與可蘭經為其信仰

2. 家戶大型垃圾應由誰負責處理?

三、政府為了加強與新南向國家的合作與交流,行政院於 105 年 9 月提出「新 南向政策推動計畫」,衛生福利部提出新南向「醫衛合作與產業鏈發展」 計畫,期望透過「軟實力連結」、「供應鏈連結」、「區域市場連結」及「人 與人連結」等四大連結為支柱,進一步擴大與相關國家之醫衛合作與產 業連結。

【題組】⑵請就上述四大連結分別規劃具體的策略。(16 分)

14. 下列何者非長期照護常見的醫療問題?

4.Suppose that you currently have $40,000 invested in a savings account earning 3% per year compounded continuously. Market conditions are improving and you decide to continuously transfer 15% of the balance of your savings account into a stock fund earning 12% per year. You also withdraw $5,000 from the savings account each year for expenses.

【題組】(2)How long does it take for the savings account to be exhausted? How much money is in the stock fund at this time point?

26.忠仁公司購置一機器成本$310,000,預估每年可產生淨現金流入$70,000,試求該機器之還本期 間為若干年?

You are being evaluated on your knowledge of British literature. The purpose of this examination is to show your grader as much as you can the extent and depth of your knowledge of British literature. N.B. Express your understanding of British literature in analytical and meaningful terms. Avoid repeating or overlapping material and ideas in different answers and parts of this examination. Also, references to authors and literary works should be clear, precise, and correct. Correct spelling in such references is all important. Remembcr to identify your answer by part (A or B) and by number.
 Part A. 60 points. Choose ten (10) of the following items. Identify and comment on the significance of each of the ten in British literature in a brief paragraph of at least three sentenc s (that is, each of the ten answers must be at least one three-sentence paragraph in length). You will not receive extra credit for answering more than ten. If you choose to answer more than ten, your grader will evaluate just the first ten answers.

【題組】6. "Dover Beach"

22. 幼兒園教保活動課程之課程目標與學習區敘述,下列何者正確?
(A)科 學區透過不同種類的蝴蝶幼蟲和蝴蝶飼養,覺察蝴蝶與植物間的關 係,並運用分類、比較、找關係來整理不同蝴蝶種類的訊息。較符合認知領域課程目標「整理自然現象訊息間的關係」
(B) 扮演區透過美容院的扮演遊戲鼓勵幼兒使用簡單的動作或玩物,表現生活或故事中的人物及行動。較符合身體動作領域課程目標「應用組合及變化各種動作,享受肢體遊戲的樂趣」
(C) 扮演區在美容院的扮演遊戲中,鼓勵幼兒覺察互動角色的想法及需求,並能因應不同的想法及需求表現 對應的行動,較符合社會領域課程目標「同理他人,並與他人互動」