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三、請說明水產加工食品業者實施食品安全管制系統,如何扣合風險分析與 管理。(25 分)

4.考慮下列網域命名:org com edu gov mil 


49. 關於全球化的三種思考取向,下列何者有誤?

二、 A 是某國小的家長會副會長,並負責保管財物。因近期股市漲跌 過劇,致其一時週轉不靈,竟將腦筋動到所持有之家長會現金, 偷偷將其挪用數日,並於被發現前又全數歸還。請問:A 所為是 否構成犯罪?請具體論述其理由。(30 分)

28. 穩壓電路中,稽納二極體之正端接電源之
(D)中性 點 。


【題組】(五) mineralization

請依下文回答第 15 題至第 19 題
 Free trade is a free market policy followed by some international markets in which governments do not restrict imports from, or exports to, other countries. Trade treaties increase freedom to trade and do not result in loss of sovereignty. However, most governments still impose some protectionist policies that are intended to support local employment, such as applying tariffs to imports or subsidies to exports. Governments may also restrict exports of natural resources. Other trade barriers include import quotas, taxes, and non-tariff barriers, such as regulatory legislation. Take the United States as an example. There is a growing rhetoric about imposing tariffs and limiting freedom to trade internationally. It reflects a resurgence of old arguments that stay alive in large part because the benefits of free international trade are often diffuse and hard to see, while the benefits of shielding specific groups from foreign competition are often immediate and visible. This illusion fuels the common perception that free trade is detrimental to the U.S. economy. It also tips the scales in favor of special interests seeking protection from foreign competition, which results in thousands of tariffs, quotas, and other barriers imposed to trade. However, restrictions on foreign trade all too often harm the very people they aim to protect, i.e., American consumers and producers. Trade restrictions limit the choices of what Americans can buy; they also drive up the prices of everything from clothing and groceries to the materials manufacturers use to make everyday products. Lower-income Americans generally bear a disproportionate share of these costs.Not only do they spend more of their income on consumption goods, many of the goods they consume are subject to higher tariffs than more expensive goods of the same type. There is a broad consensus among economists that protectionism has a negative effect on economic growth and economic welfare, while free trade and the reduction of trade barriers to trade has a positive effect on economic growth. However, they also point out that liberalization of trade can cause significant and unequally distributed losses and the economic dislocation of workers in import-competing sectors.

【題組】17 According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?
(A) The benefits of free international trade are often immediate and visible.
(B) Lower-income people suffer more from tariffs than higher-income people.
(C) Governments may stop imposing trade barriers to limit exports of natural resources.
(D) A nation's signing of free trade agreement may result in loss of its sovereignty.

二、目前臺灣管轄之臺灣區燈塔員工輪調原則為何?請詳述之。(20 分)


【題組】 ⑴ Maternal inheritance

四、請試述大陸配偶與外籍配偶取得我國身分證規定之差異,並請分析是否 應衡平修法改為一致?(25 分)