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四、何謂國際漁業法所謂之「定居種」?現行國際法對上述魚種如何規範管制?(25 分)

46. 勞動場所發生職業災害,災害搶救中第一要務為何?
(A)24 小時內通報勞動檢查機構
(B)搶救材料減少 損失

三、甲、乙、丙、丁分別共有 A 土地,應有部分各 1/4,甲因經營事業有資金需求,擬以其應有部分土地向 B 銀行抵押貸款,請問辦理抵押權設定登記時,應提出何種文件?嗣後,A 地如辦理共有物分割,其抵押權應如何轉載?請分述之。(25 分)

2. Write a brief essay either analyzing the ecological implication of the following poem in terms of noninterference, the law of the jungle, and the beauty of wildlife or explaining the theme of the poem from the point of view of the poet whom the scene has fascinated. 30% A bird came down the walk: He did not know I saw; He bit an angle-worm in halves And ate the fellow, raw. 
And then he drank a dew  From a convenient grass, And then hopped sidewise to the wall To let a beetle pass. 
He glanced with rapid eyes  That hurried all around - They looked like frightened beads, I thought , He stirred his velvet head 
Like one in danger; cautious, I offered him a crumb, And he unrolled his feathers  
And rowed him softer home Than oars divide the ocean, Too silver for a seam, Or butterflies, off banks of noon,  Leap, plashless, as they swim. 

6. 殯葬誦經人員如長期處在高分貝的噪音環境當中,比較容易產生下列何種系統疾病:

11. 酥油皮產品的特性,下列何者為非?
(D)使 產品產生脆硬特性。

貳、申論題(50分) 一、為何老年農民福利津貼暫行條例第 4 條第 7 項規定,已領取社會保險老年 給付者,於該條例 87 年 11 月 11 日修正施行後再加入農保者,不得發給老 農津貼?請依立法意旨申述之。(25 分)

(三)試從外型、縫製的角度說明 Tailored collar 與 Turndown collar 兩者之關係,並輔以圖文表示之。

一、何謂檔案人員專業認證制度?實施檔案人員專業認證制度之優點為 何?我國如要實施檔案人員專業認證制度要如何實施?請分別陳述之。 (25 分)