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四、南海周邊國家紛紛對其所佔領之島礁提出主張和實際作為,使此一海域之情勢益顯複 雜。請就海洋法中資源主張的角度出發,討論南海糾紛的本質與解決之道。(25 分)

請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題
        A group of citizens would like to organize a clean-up in a nearby park when they noticed that there was a lot of garbageon the grounds. Then, they planned to use social media to promote a campaign and met early on a Saturday morning. To theirbig surprise, many people of the community eagerly joined in the activity and brought along gloves and bin bags. When theygot together, they worked hard to__41__ the park of all the trash. Because there was too much trash, they classified the wasteinto recyclables and non-recyclables and ensured that each type of waste __42__ properly. By noon, they had fitied severalbags with litter. After the cleaning activity, the park really looked different__43__ to what it was before. The appearance hadgreatly improved and was much cleaner and more attractive than before. The mayor of the town__44__ this event and alsodecided to show his support by providing more trash bins and recycling containers within the park. The mayor was also pleasedto organize regular clean-up activities to keep the __45__ of the park. The volunteers felt a sense of pride and accomplishmentand knew that they had made a great contribution to their community.

【題組】 44
(A) looked down upon
(B) got away with
(C) took notice of
(D) got back at

28. 醫院資訊系統委外比自行開發有許多優點,下列何者不正確?(*186)

第三題: 大學教務處發現歷年新生的學測級分與其大一上學期成績呈高度相關。研究員隨機抽 出 100 位大一新生,計算其學測級分(X)、大一上學期成績(Y)的平均數與標準差,以及兩 者的相關係數,如下:

【題組】(二)某新生的學測成績為 65 級分,請問該生大一上學期成績的預測值為何? 【5 分】

56. 動物用藥品販賣業者未依規定通報不良反應案例,最低可處新臺幣多少萬元罰鍰?

3. 減輕皮膚燒傷程度之最重要步驟為何?
(C)在燒傷處塗 抹麵粉

八、試問北捷旅客詢問處可提供的服務項目(列舉 5 項)?(15 分)



2. (Total 20%) Let Y1 and Y2 denote the jointly continuous random variables with joint density function 61dba1d8ca86b.jpg. Please show


(1) (10%)61dba1fdc8fd3.jpg