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21.某公司網站之網址,其開頭使用「https://……」,可由此推測該網站應該是使用了下列何種安全保 護機制?
(A) SET (Secure Electronic Transaction)
(B) SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)或 TLS (Transport Layer Security)
(C) VPN (Virtual Private Network)
(D) RSS (Really Simple Syndication )


【題組】 A. Pseudoplasticity

二、作文:(60 分)
       臺灣本有原住之民,明清以降漢人漸次移入,民國 38 年又加入 撤退來臺的一批人員,近二、三十年來則湧入為數可觀的新住民,根據民國 112 年最新統計,新住民及其第二代人數已破百萬人了。在這塊土地匯聚著從四面八方而來的人們,雖有新來後到之別,但都同樣 生活在這塊土地上,受惠於這塊土地,因此也就熱愛這塊土地,保護這塊土地。
      然而不可否認的,自古至今每一次新來乍到的人都會帶來新的衝擊,包含新的思想、新的文化、新的飲食習慣、宗教信仰、生活行為……這些都與舊有文化有著顯著差異。但經過時間的焠煉,都將漸次融合,成為一個新的型態。恭逢其盛的我們當用何種心態來創造新的一個時代?請以「接納與融合,共創新局」為題作文一篇。文章 中必須包含實例。

5. ____: A place that offers shelter and food to travelers, often in rural areas. It was more common before railroads and modern hotels came into existence.
(A) Pension
(B) Inn
(C) Hostel
(D) Caravansary

21. 一位小腦損傷個案,其上肢協調控制不佳,職能治療師可能建議下列何項輔具?
(A) 長柄梳
(B) 吸盤碗
(C) 穿襪輔助器
(D) 移動式手臂支撐架(mobile arm support)

(B) 過濾閘口

1 .下列何者是老化所造成的肌肉變化?
(A) 骨骼肌轉換成脂肪細胞
(B) 肌纖維含量減少
(C) 肌力衰退
(D) 以上皆是

【第一題】Barbara Sargent, Kathryn L. Havens, Jessica L. Wisnowski, Tai-Wei Wu, Masayoshi Kubo, Linda Fetters. In-Home Kicking.
 Activated Mobile Task to Motivate Selective Motor Control of Infants at High Risk of Cerebral Palsy: A Feasibility Study. Physical Therapy. 2020;100: 2217-2226. Abstract
Objective. Children with spastic cerebral palsy (CP) have gait impairments resulting from decreased selective motor control, an inability to move the leg joints independently of one another, relying on excessive flexion or extension coupling across the 3 joints. Infants with white matter injury are at high risk of CP and have decreased selective motor control as early as 1 month corrected age. An in-home kicking-activated mobile task was developed to motivate more selective hip-knee control of infants at high risk of CP. The purposes of this study were to determine the feasibility of the in-home mobile task and to determine whether infants at high risk of CP and infants with typical development (TD) lear the association between their leg movements and mobile activation. Methods. Ten infants at high risk of CP based on neuroimaging and II infants with TD participated in this cohort study at 3.5 to 4.5 months corrected age. Each infant participated in the in-home kicking-activated mobile task for 8 to 10 min/d, 5 d/wk, for 6 weeks. Learning was assessed weekly based on an increase in the time that the infant demonstrated the reinforced leg actions when interacting with the icking-activated mobile compared with spontaneous kicking. Results. With regard to feasibility, participation averaged 92% for infants at high risk of CP and 99% for infants with TD. With regard to learning, the group at high risk of CP demonstrated learning of the task for 2 of 6 wecks, whereas the group with TD demo onstrated Icarning for all 6 weeks. Conclusions. Infants at high risk of CP demonstrated learning of the kicking-activated mobile task but at a reduced amount compared with infants with TD. Further research is necessary to determinc whether the kicking-activated mobile task has potential as an intervention to motivate more selective hip- knee control and improve walking outcomes of infants at high risk of CP. Impact. This study investigated the feasibility of an in- home kicking-activated mobile task, a discovery learning task designed to motivate infants at high risk of CP to engage in the Intensive task practice necessary to promote their learning abilities and selective motor control. Lay Summary. CP is a lifelong disorder of movement caused by abnormal development or early damage to the brain. If an in-home infant kicking-activated mobile task could be used to motivate certain types of age-appropriate leg movements of infants who are at high risk of CP, the task could help improve walking outcomes, which eventually could contribute to improving children's ability to participate in daily life. This study showed that infants at high risk of CP did lear the infant kicking-activated mobile task but at a much reduced amount compared with infants who are developing typically; so, this is a first step in determining whether the task has potential to motivate more age-appropriate leg movements in infants at high risk of cerebral palsy. 
