【非選題】 2. In the coastal waters of Taivan, the northwand fow of the Kinoshio Curent (KC provides a
continuous, year-round addition to the abundant fish resources of Taiwan, influencing the
year-round oceanic regime. During the winter north-casterly monsoon period (September to
April), the China Coastal Current (CCC) brings cold water from the Yellow Sea and the East
China Sea into the Taiwan Strait (TS). Water circulation in the TS varies seasonally due to
changes in wind direction. Furthermore, the CCC and KC are tied closely to sea surface
temperature (SST) variations in the coastal waters of Taiwan. In recent years, the rate of SST
increase in Taiwan waters has accelerated, and the variability has increased. The increase in
SST has been accompanied by a shift in ocean currents. The mechanisms behind these changes
are the decline of the CCC and the enhancement of the KC. The ocean environment changes
contribute to modifications in the productivity, distribution and phenology of marine species,
affecting ecosystem processes and altering food webs. (30分)