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(A) 處理中
(B) 已完成
(C) 等待中
(D) 有問題

四、統計法第 13 條規定各機關向民間舉辦調查對象達中央主計機關所定一 定規模之指定或一般統計調查前,應擬具調查實施計畫,試說明:

【題組】(一)擬具之調查實施計畫應包括那些事項?(10 分)

四、地上權與區分地上權兩者在估價方法上有何異同?(25 分)

[A] Doctor Bill Magee, a plastic surgeon, and his wife Kathy, a nurse, often meet kings and queens, presidents and movie stars. But the couple are most inspired by their least powerful fans: the 50,000 indigent children around the world who have been given back their smiles.
   Thanks to the Magees and thousands of medical volunteers, those kids no longer suffer with a cleft lip, cleft palate, or birth defects and disfigurements.
   “No children should have to live with a correctable facial deformity,” states Bill Magee, summarizing the mission of Operation Smile, the nonprofit organization they founded in 1982.
   In some countries, the birth of a disfigured child is considered a curse, and if the child is not abandoned outright, he or she may be cut off from the community. It’s not uncommon for OpSmile doctors to treat youngsters who have never been to school or even outside to play with other children. Instead, they have been hidden in shame.
   But after the “45-minute miracle” of cleft-lip repair, “the children can go to school; they can get back to being normal human beings again.”
  And that’s what the Magees see as the spirit of OpSmile: the power of medicine to bridge cultures and countries, the ability to “change the world, one face at a time.”
   Headquartered in Norfolk, Virginia, OpSmile today boasts 26 U.S. chapters and runs annual missions to 30 sites in 20 countries. The most severe cases are brought to the States through the World Care program, allowing patients to stay several weeks for surgery and follow-up care.
   Overall, OpSmile provides US$32 million in donated state-of the-art equipment and medical services each year. Dr. Magee donates 150 surgical days a year to OpSmile and travels with Kathy on missions 20 weeks a year. Neither has ever taken one cent in salary, but they feel richly rewarded for their service to others.
   After so many years, the Magees say their work never feels routine. They are constantly refreshed by the enthusiasm of new volunteers and, of course, the instant gratification of those happy little faces. In some countries, presidents, first ladies and other top officials observed the surgeries. After that, they joyfully gave the infants back to their grateful mothers, with tears shared by all.“It was so powerful,” Dr. Maggie recalls. “Those leaders connected with their people like never before.”
   In every mission, host-country doctors worked alongside the visiting physicians, learning techniques to help kids long after OpSmile had left.

【題組】47.What does this article mainly deal with?
(A) How the deformed children are living today.
(B) The devotions and achievements by OpSmile.
(C) How OpSmile transforms the medical system of some countries.
(D)The receptions which OpSmile gets in some countries.

10.有關堆疊指標(Stack Pointer ; SP),下列敘述何者正確?

一位年僅 14 歲,目前就讀國二的吳同學,日前為了找出地層下陷對高鐵的影響,跟爸爸借了 15 萬,每天 5 點半出門趕搭高鐵,一個月內共搭了 200 趟。 吳同學奔波於高鐵間,日以繼夜地研究測量震動與分析的方法。包括上網蒐集資料、自己設計測量震動架、每天 5 點半出門趕車,只為了得到最多的數據。別人搭高鐵是坐在椅子上,他卻是坐在地板上測量震動數據等…。而有了數據後,他卻無法解答計算數據的奧妙。他又找到了耶魯大學物理課程、並到台大學習「傅立葉分析」(注 1),接著又意外發現手機可以偵測震動,開始學寫手機程式。累得他一個月下來瘦了 6 公斤! 然而,這段努力並沒有白費,他在 2012 年獲得了「國際科學展覽會二等獎」,成了最年輕的得獎者。吳同學說,就因為渴望解開疑惑,因為「找到答案的爽度很高」,日後會繼續找下去!(改寫自《聯合報》) (注 1)傅立葉分析( Fourier Transform )是一種目前十分重要而且廣泛應用於各行業的 數位訊號分析技術,將儀器測量所得的數位訊號,轉換為頻率-振幅,進行頻率特性的分析。
【題組】35. 依據上文,關於吳同學的研究過程,下列的敘述何者最正確?
(B) 推算數據資料,決定科學實驗的成敗
(C) 先理論後執行,終必推演出問題的解答
(D) 不斷的踏實與充實,能解開科學的奧妙

一、國際移民在新冠疫情爆發之前每年有增長情勢。移民融入與社會凝聚是 焦點議題。請就「世界移民報告 2020」觀點,分別闡述下列問題:

【題組】(二)各國根據其自身價值建構其「國家融入政策」 ,主要包括那三種模式? (15 分)

73-9 銼刀依斷面可分:
(A) 平、方、三角銼刀
(B) 半圓銼、圓銼
(C) 以上皆是。


【題組】 (一) Table turnover rate(in restaurants)