

         Once upon a time there was a king who had three daughters. He wanted to choose one of them to be the queen. He called the daughter to him and said, “My dear children, the one who brings me a birthday present which is most necessary to human life shall be queen. Go and make your plans.”

         The king’s birthday arrived. The two oldest daughters brought him presents that were very necessary, but were also very expensive. However, the youngest daughter only brought him a small pile of salt. When the king saw her present, he became very angry. He told the daughter to leave his castle and never come back.

         The daughter left her father’s castle. She had nowhere to go. As she wandered in the forest, cold and hungry, a prince saw her and fell in love with her at once. She agreed to marry him and a great party was held at the prince’s castle. The king was invited, but he did not know that the bride was his daughter.

        The girl told the cook to make all the dishes for the party with no salt. At the wedding, everyone started eating and they found that the food had no taste. Then the king sighed, “I now know how necessary salt is. But, because I didn’t know that before, I sent my own daughter away and I will never see her again.” Hearing this, the daughter went to the king and made herself known. They all lived happily ever after.

【題組】46 The best title for this story could be .
(A)“A Wise King”
(B)“The Most Necessary Thing in Life”
(C)“Castle in the Air”
(D)“The Wedding Party”

難度: 非常簡單
Hsuan 高三下 (2016/08/10)
有個國王,他有三個女兒。他想選其中之一當女王。他跟女兒說,“我親愛的孩子,誰給我的生日禮物是最需要的,她便是女王。 “國王的生日到了。兩個女兒給他帶來非常必要的禮物,而且也非常昂貴。然而,最小的女兒只給他帶來了一小堆鹽。當國王看見她,他非常生氣。他告訴女兒要離開他的城堡,永遠不再回來。女兒離開了她父親的城堡。她無處可去。當她在森林裡,又冷.....觀看完整全文,請先登入
112年已上岸,挑戰極限 博二下 (2022/03/30)

He wanted to choose one of them to be the queen. He called the daughter to him and said, “My dear children, the one who brings me a birthday present which is most necessary to human life shall be queen.

(A) “智慧之王”
(B) “生命中最需要的東西”
(C) “空中樓閣”
(D) “婚禮派對”

李奕蓁Maggie Li_ 大二下 (2023/03/15)

從前有一個國王,他有三個女兒。 他想從他們中選出一位做皇后。 他把女兒叫到身邊,說道:“我親愛的孩子們,誰能給我一份人生最重要的生日禮物,誰就是王后。 去製定你的計劃。 國王的生日到了。 兩個大女兒給他帶來了非常必要但也非常昂貴的禮物。 然而,小女兒只給他帶來了一小堆鹽。 國王看到她出現,非常生氣。 他告訴女兒離開他的城堡,永遠不要回來。 女兒離開了父親的城堡。 她無處可去。 當她在森林裡游盪時,又冷又餓,一位王子看到了她,立刻愛上了她。 她同意嫁給他,並在王子的城堡舉行了盛大的宴會。 國王被邀請,但他不知道新娘是他的女兒。 女孩告訴廚師做派對的所有菜餚時不要加鹽。 婚禮上,大家開始吃飯,卻發現菜沒有味道。 ”國王嘆息道:“我現在知道鹽的必要性了。 但是,因為我之前不知道,所以我把自己的女兒送走了,再也見不到她了。” 女兒聽了,就去見國王。 從此他們都過上了幸福的生活。

(A) “一位明智的國王”
(B) “生命中最需要的東西”
(C) “空中樓閣”
(D) “婚宴”

相信成功,堅持到底。 大一下 (2023/08/20)
The best title for this story could be .
這個故事最好的標題可能是 .

(A) “A Wise King”
(B) “The Most Necessary Thing in Life”
(C) “Castle in the Air”
(D) “The Wedding Party”

 [ˋtaɪt!] 標題,題目;書名
could [kʊd] can的過去式
Castle [ˋkæs!] 城堡

         Once u..-阿摩線上測驗