

    Frank R. Stockton was born in 1834. His  46  famous stories are in the form of fairy tales, ghost stories, or romances. But in all of them his humor has an edge  47  a knife. When “The Lady, or the Tiger?” was published in Century Magazine in 1882, it caused excitement  48  country. Hundreds of people wrote letters to the magazine or to their newspapers about it. Many letters demanded  49  the question that the story asks. Others asked  50  the story was really about government, or psychology, or the battle of the sexes, or something else. Wisely, Stockton never answered any of the letters. The story remains as fresh today as it was then.

(A)among the
(B)all over the
(C)around several
(D)in many

難度: 簡單
Anin 大二上 (2017/11/09)
all over the.....觀看完整全文,請先登入
琬甯 國二上 (2018/01/01)

Hundreds of people wrote letters to the magazine or to their newspapers about it. Many letters demanded _____49_____ the question that the story asks. 

Chang 大一下 (2018/11/27)
Tw Doll 幼稚園下 (2013/09/16) 7 n法蘭克R史塔肯出生於西元1834年。他最有名的故事型態包括童話故事、鬼故事、或是愛情小說。但是其中的共通點,就是他犀利如刀鋒的幽默感。n當世紀雜誌在1882年出版【是美女?還是老虎】之後,便在全國引起了騷動。好幾百個人因為這篇故事寫信到雜誌社還有報社去。很多信件都是要求想得到故事中所問的問題的答案,其他的則是問這篇故事是否跟政府、心理學、性別間的戰爭、或是其他的事情相關。nn 史塔肯很聰明,從來沒回過一封信。這篇故事到今日還是跟剛出版時一樣新鮮。nnnn

    Frank R. Stockton was born in 1834. ..-阿摩線上測驗