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    Suzanne Lenglen, the first great star of women’s tennis, was born in France. She _41_, from a very early age, by her father. At fourteen, she won a local tennis competition and the next year she won the French Championships. She became _42_ famous when, in 1919, she won at Wimbledon in the first championship held after the war. After this, _43_ she went, she was ‘news.’ Crowds of fans would flock to see her play. For the next seven years she remained the best woman tennis player in the world, losing only one _44_ in this time. In 1926, she shocked the tennis world, by _45_ to arrive for an important match on the central court at Wimbledon when Queen Mary was in the audience. Soon after this she retired from competitive tennis.


難度: 簡單
張容菁 高二下 (2012/09/29)
After this, (43) she went... where=哪裡 ever=不論 , wherever=不論哪裡 題目是說不論她去哪裡.....看完整詳解

    Suzanne Lenglen, the first great sta..-阿摩線上測驗