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        What do dreams mean? This is a question that  41  about dreams. People have always been interested in dreams, even if they cannot be sure what their dreams really mean. 
        Dreaming of not being able to move is a common experience of many people. You try to get away from something,  42  you cannot move. Or you dream you are doing something probably wrong. Like this example: A young girl, whose mother had told her never to go out with a boy alone,  43  dreamed of being in a dance hall with a large number of boys after her. She was  44  and tried to run away. But she could not move. Her legs would not move. The dream showed that her real wish was to get boys' attention. 
        If you cannot get away from something in a dream, it may mean that you do not really wish to get away from it. Like the young girl, people often wish to do something they  45  allowed to do in real life.

(A)are not
(B)have not
(C)are always
(D)have been

難度: 簡單
脫窗妲 大二上 (2017/04/30)
Like the young girl, ☆☆☆☆☆☆ ...

Nadia Chang 高一上 (2017/01/19)

people often wish ☆☆ ☆☆ ...

BaL1x_x 國三上 (2021/07/07)


英文沒有很好 拼湊單字猜的

        What do dreams mean? This is a q..-阿摩線上測驗