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【題組】 Georgia O’Keeffe’s belief that she could become a famous artist was rare among women of her time. She was born in 1887 and at that time it was accepted that woman art students would become teachers. Actually, O’Keeffe did take a job as an art instructor after her studies in New York. In 1918 she moved to New York, where her work was already starting to be noticed. In just a few years she was praised as the greatest woman artist of her time, the first woman artist to excel in America at a time when most artists were men. She painted in bright colors and a modern style and became more famous every day. But she was still different. She wore men’s clothes and long black dresses. She did not talk much. When she did, she was often angry. It was the only way she knew how to express herself, other than through the art. In 1946, O’Keeffe moved to New Mexico. She lived in an adobe house in a tiny village called Abiquiu, at the end of 20 miles of dirt road. It had spectacular views of the New Mexico landscape, of the mountains and valleys, of sunrises and sunsets. It was here that Georgia O’Keeffe lived an isolated life for the next 30 years and produced her greatest works of art. She became the best-known American woman artist of the 20th century, more famous than even she had ever imagined.

【題組】 According to the passage, how was O’Keeffe very different from ordinary women?
(A) She wore men’s clothes and long black dresses.
(B) She loved teaching.
(C) She liked to talk.
(D) She lived in New York.

【題組】 Georgia O’Keeffe’s belief that she ..-阿摩線上測驗